Movies is the bridge between IMDb's unofficial API; and Ruby.
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Movies.find_by_title("The dark night")
This method will try to filter out as much irrelevant data as possible using this exclude list, before doing a request to the server. It will also try to find a release year in the title, which will be passed to
The snippet above will pass the following data to the server.
Movies.find_by_title("Heartbreaker", {
y: "2010"
You can pass some arguments if you for example want to search for a particular year.
Movies.find_by_title("The dark night", {
y: "2010"
These params are supported.
- y (Any number) Year of the movie.
- plot (short, full) Short or extended plot (short default).
- tomatoes (Boolean) Adds rotten tomatoes data.
movie = Movies.find_by_title("Die Hard 4.0", {
tomatoes: "true"
# => 82
# => "certified"
# => 6.8
# => 198
# => 162
# => 36
These accessors are available for the object that is being returned from the find_by_*
- year (Fixnum) Year of the movie.
- released (Date) Release date.
- writers (Array < String >) Writers.
- actors (Array < String>) Actors.
- director (String) Name of director.
- rating (Float) Rating from 1.0 to 10.0.
- votes (Float) Number of votes.
- runtime (Fixnum) Run time in seconds.
- href (String) IMDb url.
- id (String) IMDb id.
- poster (String) Url to poster.
- found? (Boolean) Where anything found?
[sudo] gem install movies
Movies is tested in OS X 10.6.7 using Ruby 1.9.2.
Movies is released under the MIT license.