tool for visual analysis of the relationship between alcohol consumption and life-expectancy on country-level
This interfaces allows to visualize the geographical distribution of life-expectancy and alcohol consumption on country-level. One can explore the relation of these variables using the scatterplot.
Implemented interactions:
- Click on points and the corresponding country will be highlighted.
- Use the buttonbars to change the x- and y-axis in the scatterplot
- Zoom and pan in Scatterplot and Worldmap
- select and highlight a group of points within the current scatterplot extend using "select points"
- hover over Worldmap to find corresponding data in Scatterplot
Note: User-interface is still in a beta-version. Till now the focus was on implementing functionalities and user-interactions. In addition alcohol consumption and life expectancy is not provided for all country-polygons within "countries.geo.json"
Olivier Niklaus
- Processing 3 - Integrated development environment (IDE) used
- Unfolding - Library used for interactive Map
- Grafica - Library used for Scatterplot
- From the WHO report published in 2010