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virtualenv venv

On Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:

python -m ensurepip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Add dependencies

add dependencies to requirements.txt

GUI designer

QT designer is installed as part of the PyQT depenency
You can run it from a conda prompt
conda activate --name reef-scanner-data-entry

You can integrate with Pycharm as an external tool (allows you to rightclick on a UI file and start the designer)
First find the executable mine was here:
File - settings - external tools
(+) to create
These are the values for the three edit boxes

  1. C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\reef-scanner-data-entry\Library\bin\designer
  2. $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
  3. $ProjectFileDir$

Create executable

pip pinstall -r requirements.txt On Windows:
pyinstaller reefscan.spec

pyinstaller -p src -p real_src --noconsole --name reefscan --add-data src\resources*;resources --icon src\resources\aims_fish.ico --collect-submodules=sspilib --onedir --splash src/resources/ReefScan_inline_.png src\ --clean --version-file=version.txt

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\signtool" sign /f C:\greg\certificate-windows-reefscan\certificate.pfx /p reefscan /fd SHA256 /tr /td SHA256 dist\reefscan\reefscan.exe

or pyinstaller reefscan-simulated.spec Rename the exe file to reefscan-deep.exe for reefscan deep functionality On Linux:
pyinstaller -p src --noconsole --name reefscan-transom --add-data src/resources/*:resources --icon src\resources\aims_fish.ico --onefile src/

pip install ..\reef_scanner_data_model\dist\reefscanner-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl

Language stuff

Create or update ts files ensure (this is a text file) is up to date pylupdate5 or pylupdate5 -noobsolete

this will update src/resources/eng-vi.ts Install QT and use QT linguist to edit and release the file. That will create a .qm file

Test in vietnamese by running with a command line parameter "viet"

EOD processing (inferencing)

For installing on the CCIP end of day processing computer, also install the following dependencies

pip install -r requirements-eod.txt

But remove these if you want to make an executable pip uninstall -r requirements-eod.txt