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1.8k repositories
- A bundle of useful CircuitPython libraries ready to use from the filesystem.
- Programs and scripts to display "inline" in Adafruit Learning System guides
- CircuitPython drivers for the DS18x20 one wire temperature sensors
- CircuitPython driver for EMC2101 brushless fan controller
- CircuitPython library for running DuckyScript
- CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
- Arduino Driver for the Adafruit MCP9600 I2C Thermocouple ADC Breakout
- Adafruit IO Python Client Library
- CircuitPython driver for BME680
- Library to display text using displayio
- A Web Serial tool for updating your ESP bootloader.
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for CircuitPython
- Hardware Description Models for Adafruit IO Wippersnapper Beta.
- Component Description Models for Adafruit IO Wippersnapper Beta.
- A Circuitpython helper library for display element layout using displayio.