I made a Port scanner Simple for studys python, please don't use this for bad actions
chmod +x scanner.py
./scanner.py --help
┌── Requires ports or values to use mode/command
: python3 main.py -f -p 80,81,23 <ip>
| |
| └ Command required to inform ports
└─ Command/Mode to scan
- Enter ip in the last argument!
Command information
-p: to define the ports to be used
-d: Default scan with 5 seconds timeout [ default ]
-s: Simple verification using a port scope. EX: 10 to 80 [ simple ]
-f: Fast scan with an interval of 0.1 seconds, but not very accurate [ fast ]
Obs.: No't need inform a ports
python3 scanner.py -d -p [port here] [IP here]
- need a the permission mentioned at the beginning
./scanner.py -d -p [port here] [IP here]
- neeed a the permission mentioned at the beginning
scanner.py -d -p [port here] [IP here]