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Merge pull request #49 from p2irc/develop
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jubbens authored Dec 9, 2019
2 parents d0fdd95 + 0cbccbc commit 3865729
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Showing 30 changed files with 2,561 additions and 1,811 deletions.
279 changes: 135 additions & 144 deletions deepplantphenomics/

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276 changes: 121 additions & 155 deletions deepplantphenomics/

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841 changes: 573 additions & 268 deletions deepplantphenomics/

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199 changes: 159 additions & 40 deletions deepplantphenomics/
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@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
from deepplantphenomics import definitions, loaders, SemanticSegmentationModel
from deepplantphenomics import loaders, SemanticSegmentationModel
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
import numbers
from tqdm import tqdm
import itertools
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from PIL import Image

class HeatmapObjectCountingModel(SemanticSegmentationModel):
_problem_type = definitions.ProblemType.HEATMAP_COUNTING
_supported_loss_fns = ['l2', 'l1', 'smooth l1']

def __init__(self, debug=False, load_from_saved=False, save_checkpoints=True, initialize=True, tensorboard_dir=None,
report_rate=100, save_dir=None):
super().__init__(debug, load_from_saved, save_checkpoints, initialize, tensorboard_dir, report_rate, save_dir)
self._loss_fn = 'l2'

# This is needed for reading in heatmap labels expressed as object locations, since we want to convert points
# to gaussians when reading them in and constructing ground truth heatmaps
Expand All @@ -33,6 +37,50 @@ def set_density_map_sigma(self, sigma):

self._density_sigma = sigma

def _graph_problem_loss(self, pred, lab):
heatmap_diffs = pred - lab
if self._loss_fn == 'l2':
return self.__l2_loss(heatmap_diffs)
elif self._loss_fn == 'l1':
return self.__l1_loss(heatmap_diffs)
elif self._loss_fn == 'smooth l1':
return self.__smooth_l1_loss(heatmap_diffs)

raise RuntimeError("Could not calculate problem loss for a loss function of " + self._loss_fn)

def __l2_loss(self, x):
Calculates the L2 loss of prediction difference Tensors for each item in a batch
:param x: A Tensor with prediction differences for each item in a batch
:return: A Tensor with the scalar L2 loss for each item
y = tf.map_fn(lambda ex: tf.reduce_sum(ex ** 2), x)
return y

def __l1_loss(self, x):
Calculates the L1 loss of prediction difference Tensors for each item in a batch
:param x: A Tensor with prediction differences for each item in a batch
:return: A Tensor with the scalar L1 loss for each item
y = tf.map_fn(lambda ex: tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(ex)), x)
return y

def __smooth_l1_loss(self, x, huber_delta=1):
Calculates the smooth-L1 loss of prediction difference Tensors for each item in a batch. This amounts to
evaluating the Huber loss of each individual value and taking the sum.
:param x: A Tensor with prediction differences for each item in a batch
:param huber_delta: A parameter for calculating the Huber loss; roughly corresponds to the value where the Huber
loss transitions from quadratic growth to linear growth
:return: A Tensor with the scalar smooth-L1 loss for each item
x = tf.abs(x)
y = tf.map_fn(lambda ex: tf.reduce_sum(tf.where(ex < huber_delta,
0.5 * ex ** 2,
huber_delta * (ex - 0.5 * huber_delta))), x)
return y

def compute_full_test_accuracy(self):
self._log('Computing total test accuracy/regression loss...')

Expand All @@ -44,32 +92,22 @@ def compute_full_test_accuracy(self):

# Initialize storage for the retrieved test variables
all_losses = np.empty(shape=1)
all_y = np.empty(shape=[1, self._image_height, self._image_width, 1])
all_predictions = np.empty(shape=[1, self._image_height, self._image_width, 1])
all_losses = []
all_y = []
all_predictions = []

# Main test loop
for _ in tqdm(range(num_batches)):
r_losses, r_y, r_predictions =[self._graph_ops['test_losses'],
all_losses = np.concatenate((all_losses, r_losses), axis=0)
all_y = np.concatenate((all_y, r_y), axis=0)
all_predictions = np.concatenate((all_predictions, r_predictions), axis=0)

all_losses = np.delete(all_losses, 0)
all_y = np.delete(all_y, 0, axis=0)
all_predictions = np.delete(all_predictions, 0, axis=0)

# Delete the extra entries (e.g. batch_size is 4 and 1 sample left, it will loop and have 3 repeats that
# we want to get rid of)
extra = self._batch_size - (self._total_testing_samples % self._batch_size)
if extra != self._batch_size:
mask_extra = np.ones(self._batch_size * num_batches, dtype=bool)
mask_extra[range(self._batch_size * num_batches - extra, self._batch_size * num_batches)] = False
all_losses = all_losses[mask_extra, ...]
all_y = all_y[mask_extra, ...]
all_predictions = all_predictions[mask_extra, ...]

all_losses = np.concatenate(all_losses, axis=0)
all_y = np.concatenate(all_y, axis=0)
all_predictions = np.concatenate(all_predictions, axis=0)

# For heatmap object counting losses, like with semantic segmentation, we want relative and abs mean, std
# of L2 norms, plus a histogram of errors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,8 +187,14 @@ def load_heatmap_dataset_with_csv_from_directory(self, dirname, label_file):
:param dirname: The path to the directory with the image files and label file
:param label_file: The path to the csv file with heatmap point labels
self._raw_image_files = loaders.get_dir_images(dirname)

filename = os.path.join(dirname, label_file)
labels, ids = loaders.read_csv_multi_labels_and_ids(filename, 0)
labels = [list(map(int, x)) for x in labels]

if self._with_patching:
self._raw_image_files, labels = self.__autopatch_heatmap_dataset(labels)

# The labels are [x1,y1,x2,y2,...] points, which we need to turn into (x,y) tuples and use to generate the
# ground truth heatmap
Expand All @@ -161,21 +205,16 @@ def load_heatmap_dataset_with_csv_from_directory(self, dirname, label_file):
# There is an odd number of coordinates, which is problematic
raise ValueError("Unpaired coordinate found in points labels from " + label_file)

coords = [int(x) for x in coords]
points = zip(coords[0::2], coords[1::2])
# There are no objects, so the heatmap is blank
heatmaps.append(np.full([self._image_height, self._image_width], 0))
heatmaps.append(np.full([self._image_height, self._image_width, 1], 0, dtype=np.float32))

heatmaps = np.stack(heatmaps)

image_files = sorted([os.path.join(dirname, filename) for filename in os.listdir(dirname)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) & filename.endswith('.png')])
self._total_raw_samples = len(image_files)
self._total_raw_samples = len(self._raw_image_files)
self._log('Total raw examples is %d' % self._total_raw_samples)

self._raw_image_files = image_files
heatmaps = np.stack(heatmaps)
self._raw_labels = heatmaps
self._split_labels = False # Band-aid fix

Expand All @@ -187,28 +226,108 @@ def __points_to_density_map(self, points):
# The simple way to do this is to place single pixel 1's on a blank image at each point and then apply a
# gaussian filter to that image. The result is our density map.
den_map = np.zeros([self._image_height, self._image_width], dtype=np.float32)
for p in points:
den_map[p[0], p[1]] = 1
den_map = np.zeros([self._image_height, self._image_width, 1], dtype=np.float32)
for (x, y) in points:
den_map[y, x, 0] = 1
den_map = gaussian_filter(den_map, self._density_sigma, mode='constant')

return den_map

def _parse_apply_preprocessing(self, input_queue):
def __autopatch_heatmap_dataset(self, labels, patch_dir=None):
Generates a dataset of image patches from a loaded dataset of larger images, or simply sets the dataset to a
set of patches made previously
:param labels: A nested list of point labels for the original images
:param patch_dir: The directory to place patched images into, or where to read previous patches from
:return: The patched dataset as a list of image filenames and a nested list of their corresponding point labels
if not patch_dir:
patch_dir = os.path.curdir
patch_dir = os.path.join(patch_dir, 'train_patch', '')
im_dir = patch_dir
point_file = os.path.join(patch_dir, 'patch_point_labels.csv')

if os.path.exists(patch_dir):
# If there already is a patched dataset, just load it
self._log("Loading preexisting patched data from " + patch_dir)
image_files = loaders.get_dir_images(im_dir)
new_labels, _ = loaders.read_csv_multi_labels_and_ids(point_file, 0)
new_labels = [list(map(int, x)) for x in new_labels]
return image_files, new_labels

self._log("Patching dataset: Patches will be in " + patch_dir)

# We need to construct patches from the previously loaded dataset. We'll take as many of them as we can fit
# from the centre of the image, though at the risk of excluding any points that get cut off at the edges.
patch_num = 0
n_image = len(self._raw_image_files)
image_files = []
new_labels = []
label_str = []
for n, im_file, im_labels in zip(trange(n_image), self._raw_image_files, labels):
im = np.array(

def place_points_in_patches(tl_coord, br_coord, serial_points):
# The slow, O(mn) way
points = list(zip(serial_points[0::2], serial_points[1::2]))
for (py0, px0), (py1, px1) in zip(tl_coord, br_coord):
points_in_patch = [(x - px0, y - py0) for (x, y) in points if py0 <= y < py1 and px0 <= x < px1]
points_in_patch = [c for p in points_in_patch for c in p] # Convert (x,y) tuples to flat x,y list

patch_start, patch_end = self._autopatch_get_patch_coords(im)
num_patch = len(patch_start)
place_points_in_patches(patch_start, patch_end, im_labels)

for i, (y0, x0), (y1, x1), patch_labels in zip(itertools.count(patch_num),
patch_start, patch_end, new_labels):
im_patch = Image.fromarray(im[y0:y1, x0:x1].astype(np.uint8))
im_name = os.path.join(im_dir, 'im_{:0>6d}.png'.format(i))

label_str.append('im_{:0>6d},'.format(i) + ','.join([str(x) for x in patch_labels]))

patch_num += num_patch

with open(point_file, 'w') as f:
for line in label_str:
f.write(line + '\n')

return image_files, new_labels

def _parse_apply_preprocessing(self, images, labels):
# This is tricky. If we read in the heatmaps as images, then we want to use the version in
# SemanticSegmentationModel, which treats the labels like regular images. If we instead generated the heatmaps
# from points in a CSV file, then we want to treat the labels like other labels, which the version in DPPModel
# does. super() will let us choose which one by making it look through this or Semantic...Model's MRO.
if not self.__label_from_image_file:
# Skip over the version in SemanticSegmentationModel to use the one in DPPModel
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_apply_preprocessing(input_queue)
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_apply_preprocessing(images, labels)
return super()._parse_apply_preprocessing(images, labels)

def _parse_resize_images(self, images, labels, height, width):
# See _parse_apply_preprocessing for an explanation of whats going on here
if not self.__label_from_image_file:
# Skip over the version in SemanticSegmentationModel to use the one in DPPModel
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_resize_images(images, labels, height, width)
return super()._parse_resize_images(images, labels, height, width)

def _parse_crop_or_pad(self, images, labels, height, width):
# See _parse_apply_preprocessing for an explanation of whats going on here
if not self.__label_from_image_file:
# Skip over the version in SemanticSegmentationModel to use the one in DPPModel
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_crop_or_pad(images, labels, height, width)
return super()._parse_apply_preprocessing(input_queue)
return super()._parse_crop_or_pad(images, labels, height, width)

def _parse_force_set_shape(self):
def _parse_force_set_shape(self, images, labels, height, width, depth):
# See _parse_apply_preprocessing for an explanation of whats going on here
if not self.__label_from_image_file:
# Skip over the version in SemanticSegmentationModel to use the one in DPPModel
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_force_set_shape()
return super(SemanticSegmentationModel, self)._parse_force_set_shape(images, labels, height, width, depth)
return super()._parse_force_set_shape()
return super()._parse_force_set_shape(images, labels, height, width, depth)

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