CookieSession is a very light library to manage easily and simply the Session and Cookie with PHP 7+ (and without spending time by configuring and securing them).
You can add it easily in your projec by using Composer.
$ composer require ph-7/cookiesession
Then, include Composer's autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you don't use Composer, you can install it without Composer by including the following
require 'src/autoloader.php';
use PH7\CookieSession\Session\Session;
$oSession = new Session;
$oSession->set('lang_pref', 'English');
// Create some sessions with an array
$aData = [
'my_session' => 'The value',
'another_session' => 'Another value',
'my_name' => 'Pierre-Henry'
// Add these sessions
// Get session
echo $oSession->get('lang_pref'); // Will display 'English'
echo $oSession->get('another_session'); // Will display 'Another value'
echo ($oSession->exists('my_name')) ? $oSession->get('my_name') : 'Well, well, we dont have a name in the session'; // Will display 'Pierre-Henry'
$oSession->remove('my_name'); // Remove 'my_name' session
echo $oSession->get('my_name'); // Will display nothing (empty string) as 'my_name' session has been removed
use PH7\CookieSession\Cookie\Cookie;
$oCookie = new Cookie;
$oCookie->set('mycookie', 'Amazing Value!');
// Create some cookies in array
$aCookies = [
'name' => 'Pierre-Henry',
'city' => 'Manchester',
'job' => 'Software Engineer'
if ($oCookie->exists($aCookies)) {
echo 'All the following cookies exist: ' . implode(', ', $aCookies);
echo $oCookie->get('name'); // Will display 'Pierre-Henry'
echo $oCookie->get('mycookie'); // Will display 'Amazing Value!'
$oCookie->remove($aCookies); // Remove all cookies
echo $oCookie->get('name'); // Will display nothing (empty string)
- PHP 7 or higher
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, Software Developer passionate about a lot of things and currently living in Manchester city, UK
You can send an email at pierrehenrysoria [AT] gmail {D0T} COM or at phy {AT} hizup [D0T] UK
Under General Public License 3 or later.