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This is a RESTfulAPI app by Nodejs (express framework)

How to work UrlShortner Service?

  • Anyone can register and login based on JWT.
  • After login, you can access to Post/Put/Get/Delete your url.
  • You can see analytic about your urls.

What you need to run?

  • Install lastest LTS version of NodeJs and MongoDb
  • Open cmd from project root on your os (win - mac - linux) and run:
npm install

You need to install some packages globally on your os like:

nodemon for run-watching mode development

npm i -g nodemon 

because those are tools not a dependency for the project


1- jest

  • This package use for unit-test
  • intergration-test
  • .env file for our Environment variables as we need
  • test-stress (benchmark)
  • cross to different NODE_ENV=dev or prod or test

You can run the project in 3 way:

npm run start
npm run start-dev
docker-compose up

Or run only

node index.js

You can use Postman to communicate with API endpoints. You must import collection and environment files ((there are at the root of the project)) to your postman application.


After call Post request to Urls endpoint, you can get shorturlkey and test urlshortner redirection service in your browser:


I used config to manage some keys:

    "name":"Url Shorter",
    "jwtPrivateKey": "12345",

But I used Docker in Production mode and MongoDB Connection String must be like this:


"mongo" is the name of MongoDB Container in docker-compose services config

Must fill "jwtPrivateKey" by Environment variables

You can run unit and integration tests with below command:

npm run test

You can run test-stress and get the report with below command:

npm run test-stress

It's the test-stress report:

All virtual users finished
Summary report @ 23:46:47(+0430) 2020-04-12
 Scenarios launched:  2400
 Scenarios completed: 2400
 Requests completed:  7200
 Mean response/sec: 119.13
 Response time (msec):
   min: 2.4
   max: 52.9
   median: 3.8
   p95: 14.3
   p99: 20.5
 Scenario counts:
   0: 2400 (100%)
   200: 4800
   302: 2400
