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Pablo Santiago edited this page May 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

Desktop UI

Rekono Desktop UI is another alternative to the traditional web application, but it also needs Rekono backend to perform all operations. The backend URL can be configured using the VUE_APP_DESKTOP_BACKEND_URL environment variable in the .env.production file (see frontend configuration). Rekono Desktop use this Desktop UI, but you can generate your own Rekono Desktop UI for your own Rekono backend:

  1. Configure VUE_APP_DESKTOP_BACKEND_URL in .env.production to use the proper Rekono backend

  2. Install frontend dependencies:

    # pwd: rekono/frontend
    npm install
  3. Generate installers

    # pwd: rekono/frontend
    npm run electron:build
  4. Get Rekono Desktop installer from dist_electron directory, execute it and follow installation steps

Desktop UI installers are also generated using a GitHub workflow

Rekono Bot

Create and configure Rekono Bot

  1. Create a new Telegram Bot using @BotFather and following this guide
  2. Configure the Telegram Token provided by @BotFather in the Rekono settings page
  3. Rekono Bot will be available in some seconds


Before using Rekono bot, it's needed to link the Telegram chat with a Rekono account, for that, follow the next steps:

  1. Execute /start command to receive a temporal token from the bot
  1. Introduce the temporal token in the Rekono profile page
  1. Now, the Rekono account is linked with the Telegram chat, so that all Rekono Bot features and Telegram notifications are available


After linking a Rekono account with a Telegram chat, the following operations can be executed using the Rekono Bot:



Rekono is based on an API REST that can be used directly to automate operations like execution of tasks or user management. API documentation is available on Swagger-UI and ReDoc.

Rekono CLI

Rekono CLI is a command line tool that allows the iteraction with Rekono API REST:


It also can be used as Python 3 library, so that it's possible to create custom Rekono scripts. For example, with the following code it's possible to create a Rekono client to make custom API requests:

from rekono.client.api import Rekono
client = Rekono(url='', token='my secret api token')           # Create Rekono client
response = client.get('/api/tools/1/')                                          # GET request to get tool with ID 1

You can install Rekono CLI easily using PIP:

pip3 install rekono-cli

Check all details in Rekono CLI repository.

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