This project is an implementation of a RESTful API for an AirBnB clone, built using Python and Flask. It aims to provide endpoints for managing various resources related to property rental.
- Paschal Ugwu
- Amarachi Nnanta
This project focuses on building a RESTful API for an AirBnB clone, allowing users to perform various operations such as retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting resources like states, cities, places, amenities, users, and reviews.
By working on this project, you will gain understanding of:
- REST principles
- API concepts
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- HTTP methods for CRUD operations
- Flask web framework
To understand the concepts and technologies used in this project, consider referring to the following resources:
- REST API concept page
- Learn REST: A RESTful Tutorial
- Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask
- HTTP access control (CORS)
- Flask cheatsheet
- What are Flask Blueprints, exactly?
- Flask
- Modular Applications with Blueprints
- Flask tests
- Flask-CORS
- Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
- All files should end with a new line
- The first line of all files should be
- Follow PEP 8 style guidelines (version 1.7)
- All files must be executable
- Document modules, classes, and functions appropriately
- Mandatory presence of file
- Install Flask using
$ pip3 install Flask
- All files should end with a new line
- Place test files inside a folder named
- Use
module - Test files must be Python files (extension: .py)
- Test files and folders should start with
- Execute tests using
python3 -m unittest discover tests
- One project repository per group
- Repository name: AirBnB_clone_v3
- Update with project details and contributions
Restart from scratch!
- Fork the provided codebase and make necessary updates
- Update repository name to AirBnB_clone_v3
- Add contributors' names and contributions to
Never fail!
- Ensure all existing tests pass
- Add new tests to enhance test coverage
Improve storage
- Update DBStorage and FileStorage classes with new methods
- Implement methods to retrieve one object and count objects in storage
- Write tests for the newly added methods
Status of your API
- Create an endpoint to return the status of the API
- Implement a route
to return status as JSON
Some stats?
- Create an endpoint to retrieve the number of objects by type
- Implement route
to return counts of objects as JSON
Not found
- Create a handler for 404 errors to return JSON-formatted response
- Return status code 404 with content
"error": "Not found"
- Create view for State objects handling RESTful API actions
- Implement endpoints for retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting states
This API provides endpoints to manage City objects.
Retrieve all cities of a state
- Retrieves the list of all City objects of a State.
- If the
is not linked to any State object, it raises a 404 error.
Retrieve a city
- Retrieves a City object.
- If the
is not linked to any City object, it raises a 404 error.
Delete a city
- Deletes a City object.
- If the
is not linked to any City object, it raises a 404 error. - Returns an empty dictionary with the status code 200.
Create a city
- Creates a City.
- If the
is not linked to any State object, it raises a 404 error. - If the HTTP body request is not a valid JSON, it raises a 400 error with the message "Not a JSON".
- If the dictionary doesn’t contain the key
, it raises a 400 error with the message "Missing name". - Returns the new City with the status code 201.
Update a city
- Updates a City object.
- If the
is not linked to any City object, it raises a 404 error. - If the HTTP request body is not valid JSON, it raises a 400 error with the message "Not a JSON".
- Update the City object with all key-value pairs of the dictionary.
- Ignore keys:
, andupdated_at
. - Returns the City object with the status code 200.
Retrieve all cities of a state:
curl -X GET<state_id>/cities
Retrieve a city:
curl -X GET<city_id>
Delete a city:
curl -X DELETE<city_id>
Create a city:
curl -X POST<state_id>/cities -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "<city_name>"}'
Update a city:
curl -X PUT<city_id> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "<new_city_name>"}'
- GitHub Repository: AirBnB_clone_v3
- Files:
This task involves creating a new view for managing the link between Place objects and Amenity objects.
- View File:
- Update:
to import the new file
Retrieve all Amenity objects of a Place
- Retrieves the list of all Amenity objects of a Place.
- If the
is not linked to any Place object, it raises a 404 error.
Delete an Amenity object from a Place
- Deletes an Amenity object from a Place.
- If the
is not linked to any Place object, it raises a 404 error. - If the
is not linked to any Amenity object, it raises a 404 error. - If the Amenity is not linked to the Place before the request, it raises a 404 error.
- Returns an empty dictionary with the status code 200.
Link an Amenity object to a Place
- Links an Amenity object to a Place.
- If the
is not linked to any Place object, it raises a 404 error. - If the
is not linked to any Amenity object, it raises a 404 error. - If the Amenity is already linked to the Place, it returns the Amenity with the status code 200.
- Returns the Amenity with the status code 201.
- GitHub Repository: AirBnB_clone_v3
- Files:
This task aims to improve the security of the User object by hashing passwords and updating the to_dict()
- BaseModel:
- User:
Method- Modify the
method of BaseModel to remove the password key except when used by FileStorage to save data to disk.
- Modify the
Password Hashing
- Hash the password to an MD5 value each time a new User object is created or the password is updated.
- In DBStorage, store the hashed password.
- In FileStorage, store the hashed password.
- GitHub Repository: AirBnB_clone_v3
- Files:
This task involves adding a new endpoint to search for Place objects based on specific criteria.
- Endpoint: POST
- JSON Body (Optional):
: List of State idscities
: List of City idsamenities
: List of Amenity ids
- Validate JSON request; raise a 400 error if not valid.
- If the JSON body is empty or all key lists are empty, retrieve all Place objects.
- Include Place objects for each State id listed in states.
- Include Place objects for each City id listed in cities.
- If both states and cities are provided, results should include Place objects in every City in every State listed in states, plus every City listed individually in cities.
- If amenities list is provided, limit search results to Place objects having all listed amenities.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"states": ["<state_id_1>", "<state_id_2>"], "cities": ["<city_id_1>", "<city_id_2>"], "amenities": ["<amenity_id_1>", "<amenity_id_2>"]}'
- GitHub Repository: AirBnB_clone_v3
- File:
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