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  1. Quick start
  2. Utilities
  3. Extensions
    1. AjaxModalExtension
    2. AjaxModalPreventRedrawExtension
    3. AjaxOnceExtension
    4. BtnSpinnerExtension
    5. ConfirmExtension
    6. FollowUpRequestExtension
    7. ForceRedirectExtension
    8. ForceReplaceExtension
    9. SingleSubmitExtension
    10. SnippetFormPartExtension
    11. SpinnerExtension
    12. SuggestExtension
    13. ToggleClassExtension

Quick start

$ npm install naja @peckadesign/pd-naja
import naja from 'naja'
import { ExtensionName } from '@peckadesign/pd-naja'

naja.registerExtension(new ExtensionName())
import { controlManager } from '@peckadesign/pd-naja'
import SomeControl from '@/js/Controls/SomeControl' // `SomeControl` must implement `Control` interface
import SomeAnotherControl from '@/js/Controls/SomeAnotherControl'

// This control is only initialized on page load

// This control will also get initialized after Naja requests


This package provides easy ways to add JS components reactive to Naja ajax events.

Control is meant to be used for standalone components, that might be dependent on ajax. It should be used together with ControlManager. Class implementing the Control interface should export its instance. Then the intended lifecycle of class is as follows:

  1. constructor is called immediately and is also called only once. This is the ideal place for e.g. adding common event handlers to the body, or modifying necessary DOM properties on elements not affected by ajax.

  2. The instantiated class is then added to ControlManager either by addControlOnLoad or addControlOnLive. This ensures, that on DOMContentLoaded the initialize function of class is called. This method should implement initialization of the control dependent on fully loaded DOM. The context argument is equal to document in this call.

  3. In the case of using addControlOnLive, two methods are called after each successful Ajax request:

    1. Optional: Just before the snippet update, the optional destroy method is called. It will only be called if the snippet update operation is replace.

    2. The initialize method is called for each snippet. It is called immediately after the snippet has been updated. The context argument is equal to the modified nette snippet.



This extension allows you to implement modal window with browser history using Naja. Extension itself is agnostic of used modal, you can use any modal plugin you want as long as you provide simple adapter implementing AjaxModal interface. Class implementing AjaxModal is only parameter recieved by constructor.

import naja from 'naja'
import { AjaxModalExtension } from '@peckadesign/pd-naja'
import { modal } from '@/js/App/PdModal' // modal must implement AjaxModal interface 

	new AjaxModalExtension(modal)

Interface AjaxModal

Property Description
element: Element Most outer element of the modal window.
reservedSnippetIds: string[] List of snippet id's, that are neccessary for modal to work, e.g. snippet--modal.
show(opener: Element | undefined, options: any, event: BeforeEvent | PopStateEvent): void Method that is called for opening the modal. opener is the element causing the opening, event is the associated event.
hide(event: SuccessEvent | PopStateEvent): void Method that is called for closing the modal either as a result of closeModal property in ajax response or as a result of navigating using browser history.
isShown(): boolean Should return wheter the modal is opened or not.
onShow: (callback: EventListener) => void
onHide: (callback: EventListener) => void
onHidden: (callback: EventListener) => void
The extension needs to attach some handlers when show, hide or hidden happens. These functions should provide a way to add listeners to such events.
dispatchLoad?: (options: any, event: SuccessEvent | PopStateEvent) => void If you provide this method, extension will call it whenever the content is changed (loaded).
getOptions(opener: Element): any If you need to change some modal settings based on opener element, you can do that in this function. Return value of this function is stored in localStorage (or wherever is Naja configured to store states) and also in HistoryState. Bear in mind that this introduces some limitations of what can be returned (e.g. no Element is allowed).
setOptions(options: any): void Counterpart of getOptions method, you can use this method to restore modal settings based on options.


Occasionally we may have an ajax request invoked inside the modal window, but this request is not related to the modal window itself. However, because it is invoked from within the modal window, the HTTP header Pd-Modal-Opened is set. If enabled, this extension adds another header to the request, namely Pd-Modal-Prevent-Redraw. The extension can be enabled by adding the data-naja-modal-prevent-redraw data attribute to the interacted element, or by adding pdModalPreventRedraw to options.


This extension allows you to specify for a given element that the request will only be made on the first interaction. For example, for collapsible boxes, it is possible to make the request only once, when they are expanded for the first time. It is enabled by setting data-naja-once on the interacted element and allows the same element to control the collapsible box and make a request at the same time, without creating multiple unnecessary requests.


Extension that allows you to add a spinner element to a certain button. In some cases, the overlay spinner for an area might not be neccessary and overlaying only the button might be sufficient. To use this extension, you have to add a data atributte data-naja-btn-spinner to the button element or data-naja-spinner="btn". In the latter case, the SpinnerExtension is also disabled automatically.

When loaded, the extension also automatically adds button spinners to all non-ajax forms. This can be disabled on a per-button basis by setting data-no-spinner or data-no-btn-spinner on the button element.

The extension constructor receives 3 parameters:

Parameter Description
spinner: ((props?: any) => Element) | Element Mandatory parameter. It should either be function return the spinner element, or directly element.
getSpinnerProps: ((initator: Element) => any) | undefined = undefined If you provide spinner as a function, you might also provide function to get settings from ajax initiator. Returned value is passed as a props to spinner() call.
timeout: number = 60000 Timeout in milliseconds after which the spinner is removed for non-ajax forms. Ajax forms will use the Naja / Request API timeout (if there is one).


Simple extension that uses window.confirm before making the request, allowing the user to prevent the request from being made. It is enabled by setting the data attribute data-confirm. The value of the attribute is used as a parameter for the window.confirm call.


This extension allows you to chain multiple requests. This is useful, for example, within modals, where after redrawing the modal, you may need to redraw the page below it as well. This page may be from a different presenter, so you need to redraw with a different request. When used, this extension checks for the presence of followUpUrl in the payload. This is the URL to which the follow up request will be made.


This extension allows you to force redirect the page to a specific URL. When imported, it checks for the presence of forceRedirect in the payload and then redirects to it.


If you are using content prepending or appending on snippets, you may need to force replace their content when certain elements have been interacted with. For example, if you have an infinite pager with new items appended, you may need to clear the snippet when some sort of filtering request has been made. This extension changes the snippet operation to replace when enabled by using the data-naja-snippet-force-replace attribute on the interacted element. See Snippet update operation in the Naja docs for more information about update operations.


Extension that gives you the ability to scroll with the page when the ajax request starts (or finishes). This extension takes a defaultScrollToEvent: 'before' | 'success' parameter in the constructor. This parameter defines on which event the scrolling will occur by default. The element to scroll to is defined using a data-naja-scroll-to attribute containing selector. You can also change the default value of event per request using data-naja-scroll-to-event. It uses the element.scrollIntoView() method in the background. You can pass options to the call by defining the data-naja-scroll-to-options attribute on the trigger element.


Most of the time it is desirable to allow only single form submissions and prevent duplicate submissions, e.g. by double-clicking a button. This extension disables all buttons within a form on submission. It also works for non-ajax forms where there is a timeout after which the buttons are re-enabled. This extension is enabled by default for all forms, but can be disabled by setting a data attribute data-naja-single-submit="off".

There are 2 parameters passed to the constructor:

Parameter Description
buttonDisabledClass?: string Class name added to the buttons disabled by this extension. Defaults to null.
timeout: number = 60000 Timeout in milliseconds after which the spinner is removed for non-ajax forms. Ajax forms will use the Naja / Request API timeout (if there is one).


By default, Naja and netteForms and pdForms expect the snippets to be outer wrappers of the form elements. Because of this, if the snippet is inside the form, the validations and nette toggles may not work properly. This extension simply calls the Nette.initForm() method for each form that contains a redrawn snippet. The method itself doesn't attach any handlers if the form has the formnovalidate attribute (which it sets itself on initialisation), but the toggles are initialised beforehand.


This extension allows you to add configurable loading indicator to ajax request. Constructor recieves following 4 parameters:

Parameter Description
spinner: ((props?: any) => Element) | Element Mandatory parameter. It should either be function return the spinner element, or directly element.
getSpinnerProps: ((initator: Element) => any) | undefined = undefined If you provide spinner as a function, you might also provide function to get settings from ajax initiator. Returned value is passed as a props to spinner() call.
ajaxSpinnerWrapSelector = '.ajax-wrap' See below.
ajaxSpinnerTargetSelector = '.ajax-spinner' See below

The logic for spinner target is as follows:

  1. The extension can be disabled by using data-naja-spinner="off".
  2. The extension is also disabled if data-naja-spinner="btn" is set. In this case the spinner rendering is up to BtnSpinnerExtension, which will be enabled automatically.
  3. If there is data-naja-spinner with different value, this value is used as a selector for element into which the spinner element is appended.
  4. If there is no data-naja-spinner, closest ajaxSpinnerWrapSelector is being searched for and:
    1. If there is ajaxSpinnerTargetSelector inside, this element is used as a target for placing spinner element.
    2. If not, the spinner element is appended into ajaxSpinnerWrapSelector itself.


This extension allows you to implement a suggestion box. It uses a form element with a dedicated suggestion button to submit the form using ajax. The result of the request is expected to be the redrawing of the snippet with results. See below for a detailed description of the elements. The extension constructor takes optional an spinnerExtension: SpinnerExtension, spinner and getSpinnerProps parameters, the types of the latter two parameters are described in the SpinnerExtension and BtnSpinnerExtension.

If the spinnerExtension is passed and the latter two are omitted, they are set by the passed extension instance. In addition, the target element for the spinner is determined as in the SpinnerExtension algorithm (4). The fallback target is always the form element.

At a minimum, these HTML elements are expected for the extension to work:

Selector Element type Description
.js-suggest HTMLFormElement The form element for the suggest extension. The form element can have a data-suggest parameter with a Suggest configuration object. See the type SuggestOptions in Suggest.ts for more information.
.js-suggest__input HTMLInputElement Input element whose value is used as a query parameter in a suggestion request.
.js-suggest__btn HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement Button used for form submission to suggestion request.
.js-suggest__suggest HTMLElement The snippet element where the results are displayed. If there are no children elements, the extension adds a class js-suggest__suggest--empty. If the element should be shown, the class js-suggest__suggest--shown is added.
.js-suggest__link HTMLAnchorElement Elements with this class are accessible using the keyboard arrows. Every result should have this class. When the anchor element is activated by keyboard interaction, it receives the class js-suggest__link--active.


With this extension you can change the classes on the interacted element immediately at the start of the request. You can use it for example to mark the active element before the ajax finishes. If the request fails with an error (including user interruption), the classes will be reset to the previous state. You can specify the classes to toggle using the data attribute data-naja-toggle-class. This attribute expects a JSON object where keys are selectors (used as parameter for the querySelectorAll called on the interacted element) and values are class names to be changed. The extension uses the toggle() function, so it can also remove classes from the element. If you need to change the classes on the interacted element itself, you can use proprietary selector :self. For example:

<a  data-naja-toggle-class='{
       ":self": "active",
       "img": "shadow rounded-full"
	<img  class="shadow"></a>

This configuration would add the active class to the anchor element and the rounded-full class to the image. It would also remove the shadow class from the image as it was already present.