Welcome! 🎉 This repo is designed to streamline your project setup by automating everything from creating a new GitHub repository to initializing a project with your preferred JavaScript and CSS frameworks. Whether you're a fan of Angular, React, Vue, or Svelte, and prefer Tailwind, Bootstrap, or Bulma for styling, this script has you covered! With just a few commands, you'll have your new project up and running with all dependencies installed and the development server ready to go.
- Automatically creates a GitHub repository and clones it locally
- Supports multiple JavaScript frameworks:
- Angular
- React
- Vue
- Svelte
- Supports CSS frameworks:
- Tailwind CSS
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
- Installs project dependencies
- Starts the development server based on the selected framework
- Deno installed
- GitHub Personal Access Token with repository permissions:
- To create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT), go to your GitHub settings and select "Tokens (classic)"
- Choose "Generate new token" and ensure it has repo permissions for creating and managing repositories
- npm installed for handling package installations
To get started, clone this repository locally:
git clone https://github.com/peterbenoit/DevBoilerplate.git
cd DevBoilerplate
Ensure you have your GitHub token set as an environment variable:
export DENO_GITHUB_TOKEN=your_personal_access_token
Run the Deno script to automate the project setup:
deno run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run=git,npx,npm --allow-read setup-project.ts
Alternatively, if you want a simpler command, you can run the rundeno.sh script provided:
The rundeno.sh script will:
- Check if Deno is installed
- Install Deno if it is not installed
- Upgrade Deno to the latest version if it is already installed
- Run the setup-project.ts script with the necessary permissions
During execution, you'll be prompted to select:
- A JavaScript framework (Angular, React, Vue, Svelte)
- A CSS framework (Tailwind, Bootstrap, Bulma, or None)
After installation, the development server will automatically start based on your selected framework. Access your application at the appropriate localhost port:
- Angular: http://localhost:4200 (started with ng serve)
- React: http://localhost:3000 (started with npm start)
- Vue: http://localhost:5173 (started with npm run dev)
- Svelte: http://localhost:5173 (started with npm run dev)
- Security: Deno is secure by default. It requires explicit permission for file, network, and environment access, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities
- Built-in TypeScript Support: Deno has first-class TypeScript support out of the box, eliminating the need for additional configuration and tooling
- Simplified Module System: Deno uses ES modules and URLs for importing dependencies, avoiding the complexities of node_modules and package.json
- Standard Library: Deno provides a standard library with a wide range of utilities, reducing the need for third-party dependencies
- Single Executable: Deno is distributed as a single executable, making installation and updates straightforward
Feel free to submit issues or contribute via pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.