This repository contains materials for setting up a kubernetes based Syzygy instance. There this is some terraform/terragrunt code in ./infrastructure to define a cluster (on AWS for now) then there is a helm chart in ./one-two-syzygy to configure the syzygy instance.
The one-two-syzygy helm chart is a thin wrapper around the zero-to-jupyterhub (z2jh) chart (installed as a dependency). It includes a shibboleth service provider(SP)/proxy which allows a customized hub image to use shibboleth for authentication. Chartpress is used to manage the helm repository and the necessary images:
- hub: A minor modification of the z2jh hub image to include a remote-user authenticator
The intention for this project is that it should be able to run on any cloud provider, but to-date only AWS/EKS and Azure/AKS have been tested. pull requests and suggestions for this (and any other enhancements) are very welcome.
Terraform code to define a kubernetes cluster is kept in provider specific repositories for now: aws/eks, microsoft/aks .
Organizationally we create instances using terragrunt to allow shared state terragrunt.
New instances are created by defining a terragrunt.hcl
in a new directory of
. The file is basically a collection of inputs for
our eks terraform module which
does the heavy lifting of defining a VPC, a kubernetes cluster and an EFS share.
The inputs include things like your preferred region name, your worker group
size etc, see the module variables
file for
details. ./infrastructure/prod/terragrunt.hcl
defines an s3 bucket to hold the tfstate file for terragrunt. This should be customized
to use an s3 bucket you control.
$ cd infrastructure/terraform/eks/k8s1
$ terragrunt init
$ terragrunt apply
The output of terragrunt apply
(or terragrunt output
) includes the cluster
name and the filesystem ID for the EFS Filesystem
which was created. Both of these values will needed by helm below.
Use the AWS-CLI to update your ~/.kube/config
with the authentication details
of your new cluster
$ aws eks list-clusters
"clusters": [
$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=syzygy-eks-qiGa7B01
When your cluster has been defined you can proceed to the k8s cluster section.
New instances are created by defining a terragrunt.hcl
in a new directory of
# ./infrastructure/terraform/prod/aks/k8s2
terraform {
source = "git::"
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
inputs = {
prefix = "jhub"
location = "canadacentral"
This files references ./infrastructure/prod/terragrunt.hcl which defines an s3 bucket to hold the tfstate file. This should be customized to use an s3 bucket you control.
You will also need to define a few variables:
mv infrastructure/terraform/aks/k8s2/ infrastructure/terraform/aks/k8s2/
Edit the file infrastructure/terraform/aks/k8s2/
and fill in the missing variables. See
for details on how to find out those variables.
$ terragrunt init
$ terragrunt apply
Once the above commands complete successfully, you can setup the new credential for kubectl config.
# to get resourc group and name of the cluster
az aks list
az aks get-credentials --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP --name CLUSTER_NAME
Once the K8S cluster is provisioned, check that you can interact with the cluster
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.4", GitCommit:"b695d79d4f967c403a96986f1750a35eb75e75f1", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-11-17T15:48:33Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.10", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22+", GitVersion:"v1.22.12-eks-6d3986b", GitCommit:"dade57bbf0e318a6492808cf6e276ea3956aecbf", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-07-20T22:06:30Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 18m v1.17.9-eks-4c6976 Ready <none> 18m v1.17.9-eks-4c6976 Ready <none> 18m v1.17.9-eks-4c6976
If you don't see any worker nodes you may need to check your AWS IAM role configuration.
Install the latest release of Helm.
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.9.2", GitCommit:"1addefbfe665c350f4daf868a9adc5600cc064fd", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.4"}
We deploy the autoscaler as a separate component to the kube-system namespace.
It keeps track of which nodes are available and compares that to what has been
requested. If it finds a mismatch it has permission to scale up and down the
number of nodes (within limits). These operations require some special
permissions and setting them up properly can be tricky. Our configuration is
specified in the file
of our terraform module. Basically it should add a new IAM role called
with the necessary permissions. See the
section of the autoscaler
for more details - we use the limited setup where the cluster must be explicitly
set. The autoscaler will look for specially tags on your resources to learn
which nodes it can control (the tags are also assigned by terraform
# autoscaler.yaml
awsRegion: ca-central-1
cloudConfigPath: ''
create: true
# This value should match local.k8s_service_account_name in
name: cluster-autoscaler
# This value should match the ARN of the role created by module.iam_assumable_role_admin in "arn:aws:iam::USERIDHERE:role/syzygy-eks-f7LISI3z-cluster_autoscaler-role"
clusterName: "syzygy-eks-f7LISI3z"
enabled: true
Install the chart
$ helm install cluster-autoscaler --namespace kube-system \
autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler --values=autoscaler.yaml
Create a config.yaml at the root of this repository. A sample configuration file is included as ./config.yaml.sample. There are two dependent charts we will need (zero-to-jupyterhub and efs-provisioner.
$ helm repo add jupyterhub
$ helm repo add jetstack
$ helm repo add autoscaler
$ helm repo add isotoma
$ helm update
$ cd one-two-syzygy && helm dependency update && cd ..
See the z2jh configuration
Since z2jh is a dependency of this chart, remember to wrap then in a jupyterhub
block inside config.yaml
. e.g.
secretToken: "output of `openssl rand -hex 32`"
type: ClusterIP
See the efs-provisioner chart for details
efsFileSystemId: fs-0000000
awsRegion: us-west-2
For the one-two-syzygy chart you will need
- shib.acm.arn: The ARN of your ACM certificate as a string
- shib.spcert: The plain text of your SP certificate
- shib.spkey: The plain text of your SP key
For the shibboleth configuration you will need some configuration from the
identity provider. Typically you can specify the service configuration with the
following 3 files: shibboleth2.xml
, attribute-map.xml
. These are included for the sp deployment as a ConfigMap with
the following keys
- shib.shibboleth2xml
- shib.idpmetadataxml
- shib.attributemapxml
Helm will look for these in one-two-syzygy/files/etc/shibboleth/
and they can
be overridden with the usual helm tricks (--set-file
or config.yaml). Default
values are given but these are specific to the UBC IdP so you almost certainly
will want to override them.
The apache configuration for the sp is given as another ConfigMap with the keys
being the apache config files usually kept under /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf
. The
actual web content can be specified as a ConfigMap (with structure corresponding
to the conf.d/*.conf
$ kubectl create namespace syzygy
$ helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail --wait --install syzygy one-two-syzygy \
--namespace syzygy --create-namespace -f config.yaml
If everything has worked, you can extract the address of the public SP with
$ kubectl -n syzygy get svc/sp
Depending on your provider this may be a DNS entry or an IP address and you will need to populate it to your DNS service.
When you are done with the cluster and ready to recover the resources, you will want to do something like (N.B. This may delete all files, including user data!)
$ cd one-two-syzygy
$ helm --namespace=syzygy del syzygy
$ cd infrastructure/terraform/eks/k8s1
$ terragrunt destroy
Try the instructions for z2jh. If you already have a kubernetes cluster up and running you should only need
$ python3 -m venv .
$ source bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
When you make changes in the images or templates directory, commit them and run chart press
# To build new images and update Chart.yaml/values.yaml tags
$ chartpress
# To push tagged images to Dockerhub
$ chartpress --push
# To publish the repository to our helm repository
$ chartpress --publish
If you want to make local modifications to the underlying terraform code, you
can feed these to terragrunt via the "--terragrunt-source" option. There are
some subtleties when doing this, but something like this should work if you have
your modules in e.g. ~/terraform-modules/k8s-syzygy-eks
$ terragrunt apply
Releases of this chart are published to the gh-pages which serves as a Helm repository via chartpress.
To tear everything down, run the following command:
terragrunt destroy-all