1. install and deploy
To install and deploy open screen
in your terminal and launch the following bash file deploy.sh
bash deploy.sh
2. API endpoints
Here are API endpoints (parameter: text2translate
current <host_url> = http://ec2-35-180-2-236.eu-west-3.compute.amazonaws.com
To translate FR to EN: <host_url>:8080/fr2en
To translate EN to FR: <host_url>:8080/en2fr
To translate DE to EN: <host_url>:8080/de2en
To translate EN to DE: <host_url>:8080/en2en
To translate FR to DE: <host_url>:8080/fr2de
To translate DE to FR: <host_url>:8080/de2fr
3. Example of usage in python code You can find and example of to use it in python code in this file example_request.py