A Vivid theme for Emacs, inspired by the colors attributed to Greco-Roman Sculptures.
Monospace fonts are boring – use variable pitch when it doesn’t break indentation / flow.
Readability is second to following a theme. Being striking is better than being bland and useful, because attention span on dense text improves with colors (complexity decreases with categorization).
Vivid colors over a completely black background.
Sculpture’s dark version, but with the foreground and background switched. Two colors modified for readability.
These screenshots use the mode-line colors from the themes.
- default emacs faces
- centaur-tabs
- company
- dired
- diredfl
- dired-subtree
- ediff
- elfeed
- evil
- flycheck
- git-gutter
- highlight-indentation
- highlight-indent-guides
- ido
- imenu-list
- info
- isearch
- Ivy
- lsp
- magit
- markdown
- occur
- olivetti
- orderless
- org
- paren
- rainbow-delimter
- shr
- Swiper
- tabs
- transient
- treesitter
- vertico
- workspace
- writegood
- A few custom faces for modeline, org, etc.
Feel free to open an Issue for new faces / modes.