This is a Real time chat application, built using React Js, Node Js, Mongodb, Express Js, and It can be used to chat with any one. The chat may be one-on-one chat or may be group chat. It is responsive in nature, which mainly built using Chakra UI. This project gives me a detailed knowledge about building user interface, backend integrated with to handle reat time chats, reusable components etc. Please explore this app and can provide suggestions.
Frontend : HTML, CSS, Javascript, React JS, Context API, Chakra UI
Backend : Node JS, Express, MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose, npm,
Serial No | Feature |
1 | User Authentication and Authorization by JWT Token |
2 | User search option to search user to chat with |
3 | Profile pic uploading feature to display logged in user profile |
4 | Real time chat feature by |
5 | single chat, group chat creation features |
6 | Group chat edit option to edit chat name and group members with admin access |
7 | Real time chat notification badge and chat Page |
8 | Router based components display - Single Page Web Application |
9 | User Log out feature |
By working on this project I have revised MERN stack development with understanding of frontend and backend, which made me to revise React JS and Node Js , Chakra UI library etc. This project is built from scratch from my end only, I have used Roadside coder Youtube channel as my source of reference to build this project.