This repo includes the Dockerfiles for the base images of the Project 8 analysis & simulations software stack.
The Dev image includes packages that are needed to build the Project 8 software (usually ending in -dev
). The Prod image includes non-dev packages that are necessary to run Project 8 software. The Prod image is about a factor of two smaller than the Dev image when built.
These images are based on the Ubuntu 22.04 image.
Dockerfiles for individual software packages can be found in their respective repositories. They are all based on the luna_base
Installed by aptitude for Dev/Prod (and what requires it):
- build-essential / build-essential (many things)
- dpkg-dev / [none] (many things)
- python3 / python3.10-minimal (many things)
- cmake / [none] (any dev work)
- git / [none] (any dev work)
- vim / [none] (any dev work)
- openssl / libssl1.1 (AMQP, ROOT, ...)
- wget / wget [removed after build] (dev work)
- libgsl-dev / libgsl25 (Kassiopeia)
- libopenblas-dev / [none] (Katydid?)
- liblapack-dev / [none] (Katydid?)
- libfreetype-dev / [none] (Katydid?)
- libx11-dev / libx11-6 (ROOT)
- libxpm-dev / libxpm4 (ROOT)
- libxft-dev / libxft2 (ROOT)
- libxext-dev / libext6 (ROOT)
- libpng-dev / libpng16-16 (ROOT)
- libjpeg-dev / libjpeg62-turbo (ROOT)
- libfftw3-dev / libfftw3-double3 (Katydid, Locust, ROOT, ...)
- libboost-all-dev / [none] (many things)
- [none] / libboost-atomic1.74.0 (many things)
- [none] / libboost-date-time1.74.0 (many things)
- [none] / libboost-filesystem1.74.0 (many things)
- [none] / libboost-program-options1.74.0 (Katydid)
- [none] / libboost-system1.74.0 (many things)
- [none] / libboost-thread1.74.0 (Katydid)
- libeigen3-dev / libeigen3-dev (Katydid)
- libhdf5-dev / libhdf5-cpp-103 (anything Monarch)
- libmatio-dev / libmatio11 (Katydid)
- libvtk9-dev / libvtk9 (Kassiopeia, optional)
- libyaml-cpp-dev / libyaml-cpp0.6 (many things)
- rapidjson-dev / rapidjson-dev (many things)
Installed by pip:
- iminuit
- numericalunits
- PyYAML==5.4.1
- pyparsing==2.4.7
- dnspython==1.12.0
- cycler==0.10.0
- python-dateutil==2.8.1
- numpy>=1.14
- Cython>=0.22
- uproot4>=4.0.0
- lz4
- pbr==5.5.1
- six
- colorlog
- h5py
- matplotlib
- scipy
Note that pystan
caused issues for the build and was removed. This will need to be revisited to make the mermithid install work.
Installed independently and why:
- ROOT (binary tarball): version available in aptitude is too old