The dissemination of encrypted data (using public key encryption) allows for the creation of a unique and compact ciphertext for a set of recipients so that only legitimate recipients can decrypt this text independently and without interactions. In 2022, Sigurd Eskeland proposed such a system for the dissemination of encrypted data based on the RSA primitive. The objective of this project was first to understand how the RSA primitive works and how Eskeland's system operates. In a second phase, we analyzed the security of Eskeland's system and succeded to find attacks that could recover all or part of the decryption keys or information about certain ciphertexts. These attacks were implemented to demonstrate their effectiveness in practice.
To run certain programs it is required to install
pip3 install rsa
pip3 install pycryptodome
pip3 install sympy
sudo apt install sagemath
pip3 install sage
- Additionnally it is best to run the main program from the "scr/" folder
- After generating multiple setup configurations, to test the continued fractions attack one needs to execute the "" file from the "src/" folder
Made by
David Pulido Cornejo
Kevin Huang
Lounes Douar
Suppervised by
Damiend Vergnaud PhD
Sorbonne Universié
Sigurd Eskeland. Collusion-resistant Broadcast Encryption based on Hidden RSA Subgroups. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography - SECRYPT, 291-298, 2022 , Lisbon, Portugal.