A query builder for MongoDB, built to provide a rich and dynamic query building interface.
const qe = require('@query-easy/mongo');
const query = qe('office_collection')
.eq('character_name', 'Michael Scott')
.or((cb) => {
cb.in('fav_restaurants', ['chillis', 'benihana'])
.all('hobbies', ['parkour', 'rap'])
.regex('prison_name', new RegExp('prisonmike', 'i'))
.raw('age', '>=', 96)
.exists('department', true)
.raw('sort', ['name', 'age'])
query = {
filter: {
character_name: 'Michael Scott',
$or: [
{fav_restaurants: {'$in': ['chillis', 'benihana']}},
hobbies: {'$all': ['parkour', 'rap']},
prison_name: {'$regex': /prisonmike/i},
age: {'$gte': 96},
department: {'$exists': true}
options: {
skip: 5, sort: {name: 1, age: 1}
More examples here
const qe = require('@query-easy/mongo');
const query = qe('office_collection')
.eq('character_name', 'Michael Scott')
.or((cb) => {
cb.in('fav_restaurants', ['chillis', 'benihana'])
.all('hobbies', ['parkour', 'rap'])
.regex('prison_name', new RegExp('prisonmike', 'i'))
.raw('age', '>=', 96)
.exists('department', true)
.raw('sort', ['name', 'age'])
// MongoDB Ex.
let collection = mongodb().collection('office_collection');
).toArray((err, docs) => {
// do some stuff...
// Mongoose Ex.
let filter = query.filter;
let options = query.options;
// Following line is added because mongoose find() does not want projection in options
let projection = query.options.projection;
delete options.projection;
MongooseModel.find(filter, projection, options, (err, docs) => {
// do some stuff...
Refer API.md