Configure sudoers from a template. A rollback feature ensures you will not be locked out of root privileges on the target host.
This role can be set using the following variables:
- The filename of the sudoers configuration fragment to install in
sudoers_apply__filename: sudoers_apply
- Path of a template file that once evaluated is used as a sudoers configuration fragment.
sudoers_apply__template: sudoers_apply.j2
- The delay, in seconds, after what the initial sudo configuration is reloaded if the confirmation file is missing.
sudoers_apply__timeout: 20
Apply new set of Defaults
options from a specific template.
- hosts: servers
- role: sudoers_apply
sudoers_apply__filename: 00_defaults
sudoers_apply__template: sudoers.d/00_defaults.j2