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ROS Kinetic installation playbook for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) hosts.

Getting started


To run the project you need (on your host machine):

  • [optional] Vagrant
  • Ansible (ver. 2+)
  • [optional] Virtualbox
  • SSH connection with the remote host (Ubuntu 16.04 Linux)



  • Mac OS X:
brew install ansible
  • Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get install ansible

Usage examples

  • Provision the VM (using vagrant):
vagrant up --provision # from the folder with Vagrantfile
  • Provision the VM or other host (directly with ansible):
ansible-playbook -i <inventory> provisioning/playbook.yml

Where <inventory> is a file that contains hosts to provision (see hosts as an example)

  • Provision localhost:
cd provisioning && \
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=.ansible.cfg ansible-playbook --extra-vars "ros_user=<specify the user>" -K playbook.yml

Specify a user with sudo privileges.

See more on how to run playbooks with various parameters in ansible's user guide.


  • common:

    • Update and upgrade apt packages;
    • Install GCC (both gcc and g++) from ubuntu-toolchains/test;
    • SublimeText installation.
  • ros:

    • ROS Kinetic installation (desktop-full, ros-base, etc.);
    • Post-installation environment setup.