- 🔭 I’m currently working on blueprintUE
- 📫 How to reach me: on Twitter @rancoud
I made PHP packages
- Crypt: Crypt using Argon2id by default with Argon2i and bcrypt in fallback.
- Security: Security. Escape string to output HTML (and JS).
- Pagination: Generate HTML pagination for accessibility.
- Database: Request Database (use PDO). Supported drivers: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.
- Model: Abstract Model for better data manipulation between code and database.
- Session: Session PHP.
- Environment: Read Environment file (.env).
- Http: Http with PSR 7 15 17 18.
- Router: Router PSR7 and PSR15.
- Application: Application skeleton with strict minimum Router and Environment.
I made JS modules
- screen-reader-speak.js: Accessibility for Screen Reader to speak.