OSX Package for aliases and functions which we need in daily routines. You can install it using below command.
Dependencies for this tool are:
- Git
- cURL
You can install the tool using command:
bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raoasifraza11/eee-zee-rar/master/eee-zee-rar.sh)
├── Lib
├── support
├── eee-zee-rar.sh
├── uninstall.sh
├── upgrade.sh
└── .gitignore
There are some default aliases which are available for you after installation of eee-zee-rar
## handy short cuts ##
..='cd ..'
l='ls -al'
l.='ls -d .*'
svi='sudo vi'
## a quick way to get out of current directory ##
..='cd ..'
...='cd ../../../'
....='cd ../../../../'
.....='cd ../../../../'
.4='cd ../../../../'
.5='cd ../../../../..'
## get web server headers ##
header='curl -I'
headerc='curl -I --compress'
- Prevent duplication script
- Add support installation pip, pip3
- Checking Updates
- Remove bashrc or zshrc content before uninstall
- Currently Shell not supported
- Plugin support feature
- Custom commands feature
Inspiration, Thanks and credit!!!
- Oh-My-Zsh - A delightful community-drive framework for managing your zsh configuration.
- Cyberciti - 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix.
Stay tuned!