Data Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning Model Building in an interactive WebApp for Data Scientist/Data Engineer/Business Analyst.
The purpose of this app is to create a quick Business Insights.
AutoML WebApp built with Streamlit framework using Pandas and Numpy for Data Analysis, Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization, SciKit-Learn for Machine Learning Model.
Demo URL:
- User can browse or upload file(Dataset) in .csv or .txt format.
- User can get the details of dataset like No. of rows & Columns, Can View Column list, Select Columns with rows to show, Dataset Summary like count, mean, std, min and max values.
- Several Data Visualizations like Correlation with HeatMap, PieChart and Plots like Area, Bar, Line, Box, KDE.
- User can built Models like LogisticRegression, LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, KNeighborsClassifier, DecisionTreeClassifier, GaussianNB, SVC.
- Model Evaluation with Accuracy, Mean and Standard Deviation.
Hi, there! I'm Ravi Varma. I'm passionate about using data to extract decision making insight and help machines learn to make the world a better place. If you liked what you saw, want to have a chat with me about the Data Science or Machine Learning Projects, Work Opportunities, or collaboration, shoot an email at
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The MIT License, see the included, see the License file.