This project utilizes the relevant codes of code signning part of ReProvision.
In my work, I need a IPA resign tool on Linux. I searched on internet but found nothing. It seems that ldid, isign, jtool can only work on iOS11 and below.
So I made this tool, it just utilizes ReProvision's code, rewrite it to C++, make it portable and standalone.
usage: ./rsign --ipa=string --key=string --cert=string --profile=string --output=string [options] ...
--ipa Specify app content .ipa file path. (string)
-k, --key Path to your private key in PEM format. (string)
-c, --cert Path to your certificate in DER format. (string)
-p, --profile Path to your provisioning profile. This should be associated with your certificate. (string)
-o, --output Path to write the re-signed application. (string)
I use MSBuild-based Linux projects of Visual Studio 2017.
Third-party libraries which not included in ReProvision: miniz, tinydir, cmdline
Licensed under the AGPLv3 License.