Simple Bitcoin price ticker by using TTGO T-Display ESP32 and 1.14 Inch Display with CoinMarketcap API
Update with new Coinmarketcap2 API key
Important: update the to new libraries Coinmarketcap2 and ArduinoJSON 6.x
Index of this project
Before we can start compiling, the Arduino IDE must have the TTGO-T-Display board, based on an ESP32 in the board selection available.
The instruction on
In board selector you can select "ESP32 Dev Module" for TTGO-T-Display.
For MAC users install the "CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers" from Silicon Labs, the port to select is /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART in Arduino IDE under tools-->Port
The new api requires a developer key, so you must apply for a key to use
- CoinMarketCapApi.h Version 2
- ArduinoJSON version 6.x is testet
Important: Please chose the ESP32 Board libraris the version 1.0.4, version 1.0.5 will not work for now!
The instruction for the "TFT_eSPI" and TTGO-T-Display can be found here
If you are have problem with the "wifi.h" delete the arduino/libraries/wiFi directory, you can use the esp32 WiFi.h