sondera is a python package providing clients for accessing Swedish hydrology and meteorology related open data and observations.
Download stream discharge, groundwater levels, climate and weather observations and more from stations across Sweden. Data sources currently include Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) open data API and Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) groundwater API.
Consider the API unstable, it may change at short or no notice.
It is the end users responsibility to adhere to the license of each respective data provider. See the links to the licenses below.
The following clients are currently implemented or under implementation:
- SMHI Open Data Meteorological Observations (license, host link)
- SMHI Open Data Hydrological Observations (license, host link)
- SGU Groundwater level time series (license, host link)
Model products
Hydrometric parameters
- Stream discharge
- Groundwater level
Weather and climate parameters
More than 40 parameters, including
- Precipitation
- Air temperature
- Wind speed
- Solar radiation (station data via MetObs, distributed data via Strång)
Install from pypi using pip
pip install sondera
Observational data which is linked to a station is returned as a DataSeries object, which contains metadata information in addition to the observed data series.
Modelling products are returned as the data series only, which is either a pandas Series or DataFrame, or xarray for multi-dimensional data.
# Example getting hourly air temperature for the latest months from
# SMHI station Stockholm-Observatoriekullen A (number 98230)
from sondera.clients.smhi import MetObsClient, ParametersMetObs
client = MetObsClient()
# For the parameter we can pass either the ParametersMetObs enum
# or simply the SMHI integer id (which is 1 for hourly air temperature)
air_temp = client.get_observations(parameter=ParametersMetObs.TemperatureAirHour,
# observations are stored under "data" attribute as a pandas.Series
2021-12-31 01:00:00 4.9
2021-12-31 02:00:00 4.2
2021-12-31 03:00:00 3.5
2021-12-31 04:00:00 3.1
2021-12-31 05:00:00 3.0
Name: TemperatureAirHour, dtype: float64
# additional data, such as quality tags are stored under "aux_data"
2021-12-31 01:00:00 G
2021-12-31 02:00:00 G
2021-12-31 03:00:00 G
2021-12-31 04:00:00 G
2021-12-31 05:00:00 G
# information on the station is also available, such as name, id, coordinates,
# and history
Station(name='Stockholm-Observatoriekullen A', id=98230, agency='SMHI',
position=Coordinate(y=59.341681, x=18.054928, z=43.133, epsg_xy=4326, epsg_z=5613),
station_type=<StationType.MetStation: 2>, active_station=True,
active_period=[Timestamp('1996-10-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2022-05-10 07:00:00')],
last_updated=Timestamp('2022-05-10 07:00:00'), station_info={},
position_history=[{'from': Timestamp('1996-10-01 00:00:00'),
'to': Timestamp('2022-05-10 07:00:00'),
'position': Coordinate(y=59.341681, x=18.054928, z=43.133,
epsg_xy=4326, epsg_z=5613)}])
Please report issues here:
General feedback is most welcome, please post that as well under issues.