Inject a CloudSQL Proxy sidecar into a Kubernetes deployment manifest.
$ make build-linux
$ make build-darwin
usage: cloudsql-proxy-inject --path=PATH --instance=INSTANCE --region=REGION --project=PROJECT --verbose=false[<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--path=PATH Deployment file path where to inject clousql proxy (eg. ./my-deploy-manifest.yaml)
--instance=INSTANCE CloudSQL instance (eg. my-clousql-instance=tcp:5432)
--region=REGION GCP region (eg. europe-west1)
--project=PROJECT GCP project ID (eg. ricardo)
--cpu-request="5m" CPU request of the sidecar container
--memory-request="8Mi" Memory request of the sidecar container
--cpu-limit="100m" CPU limit of the sidecar container
--memory-limit="128Mi" Memory limit of the sidecar container
--proxy-version="1.11" CloudSQL proxy version
--verbose=VERBOSE Verbose mode (eg. false)
--term-timeout Delay CloudSQL proxy termination. Optional. Details: