Loudon Cohen & Raphael Kargon
Link to Github repo (note: use branch temporal-history
- Separation of albedo, direct lighting, and indirect lighting channels
- Spatial wavelet filtering -- taking into account normals, color edges, and depth/world-position differences
- Temporal accumulation -- Accumulation of color from previous frames, and variance estimation (to improve edge blurring).
- Motion vectors -- reprojection to match up points across frames, even w/ movement.
- Fast approximate anti-aliasing
- Reflections and refractions can be blurry (esp. on flat surfaces)
- Temporal history works, but "history length" parameter seems stuck at one, making it difficult to add improvements to areas w/ no history (e.g. spatial variance estimation)
mkdir build && cd build
qmake -makefile ../final.pro
make release
./release/final <scene xml>
./release/final -h (for more options)