Table of Contents
This software is a Python3 compatible fork of Luke Arnos library static.
The library is now Python3 compatible and Genshi support (the sucessor of kid) is added. On Python2 Genshi and/or kid can be used as template engine. On Python3 only Genshi is available.
This library provides an easy way to include static content in your WSGI applications. There is a convenience method for serving files located via pkg_resources. There are also facilities for serving mixed (static and dynamic) content using "magic" file handlers. Python builtin string substitution, kid and Genshi template support are provided and it is easy to roll your own handlers. Note that this distribution does not require kid or Genshi unless you want to use that type of template. Also provides a command of the same name as a convenience when you just want to share a little content over HTTP, ad hoc.
Latest release via PIP:
pip install static3
Installation via GitHub:
git clone cd static3 pip install .
Cling serves static content only. Just give it the base directory with your files you want to make accessible. You get a full WSGI app with an example as simple as that:
from static import Cling from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server my_app = Cling("/my/directory") make_server("localhost", 9999, my_app).serve_forever()
Now you can access everything in the given directory via http://localhost:9999.D
If a gzip compressed file with the ´gz´ postfix is present, it is served, along with the corresponding headers. So if the file 'index.html' and the file 'index.html.gz' are present, the file 'index.html.gz' is served, if the the client indicated that it supports gzipped content.
Additionally, you can configure arbitrary headers. You can match files by mime type, file extension, or prefix. For example, the following would add Cache-Control headers to paths with a css mime type for 10s, no-cache for all paths ending in .js for 100s, and add CORS header to all paths under the /imgs/ dir:
headers = [ {'type': 'text/css', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=10'}, {'ext': '.js', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}, {'prefix': '/imgs/', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, ] Cling("/my/directory", headers=headers)
Shock has the same basic functionality like Cling but with Shock we can also have some templating fun. Shock comes with three templating backends. String substitution, kid and Genshi. The decision which backend to use is done by examining the extension of the file to serve. The file extensions are 'stp', 'kid' and 'genshi'. So if you want to provide a file called 'index.html' via the kid backend, name your file 'index.html.kid'. A short example might look like this:
from static import Shock, KidMagic from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server my_app = Shock("/my/directory", magics=[KidMagic(title="Hello World")]) make_server("localhost", 9999, my_app).serve_forever()
And the example 'index.html.kid':
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py="" xml:lang="en"> <head> </head> <body> <h1>$title</h1> </body> </html>
A similar template 'index.html.genshi' for Genshi:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py="" xml:lang="en"> <head> </head> <body> <h1>$title</h1> </body> </html>
This simple application will replace the placeholder title with 'Hello World' in every provided file which ends in '.kid'. In this example it already is already obvious, that although different template engines can be used, they can only be used in a very static way. Never the less Shock is perfectly suitable for simple semi-static things like make the URL to your companies logo, or the company name variable.
When using a template system in Python3 it might be necessary to explicitly set an encoding for the sites provided. This can be done via the encoding attribute of Shock:
from static import Shock shock = Shock("/var/www/pub") shock.encoding="latin-1"
When using Cling or Shock to serve static content the encoding need not to be set, as the content is just streamed through. If you have templates encoded in different formats, an instance of Shock needs to be instantiated for every codec used.