This is an example Terraform/Terragrunt repo for maintaining an organization.
brew install terraform terragrunt
pip install jinja2 jinja2-cli
# Render all Jinja templates
for file in $(find . -name '*.j2'); do
if [ ! -f "${file//.j2/.json}" ]; then continue; fi
echo "Rendering: $file"
jinja2 "$file" "${file//.j2/.json}" > "${file//.j2/.tf}"
# Handle org-x
export AWS_PROFILE=org-x
cd orgs/org-x
# Handle IAM (users/groups/policies)
cd global/iam
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle S3 buckets
cd ../s3
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle VPC in us-east-1
cd ../../us-east-1/dev/vpc
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle Security Groups in us-east-1
cd ../sg
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle hello-world-ubuntu configuration in us-east-1
cd ../hello-world-ubuntu
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle VPC in us-west-2
cd ../../../us-west-2/dev/vpc
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle Security Groups in us-west-2
cd ../sg
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
# Handle hello-world-ubuntu configuration in us-west-2
cd ../hello-world-ubuntu
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
Future development can use the
scripts in the org
directory for making additional organizations and applications within organizations.
cd orgs
./ org-q global global iam
./ org-q us-east-1 dev vpc
The org-x/*/dev/vpc
app references an internal module with a bunch of output. The output has to be copied from the internal module and recreated in the org-x/*/dev/vpc
app. To extract all the output, you can run something similar to the command below.
sed 's|// output "||g' < | sed 's|" {||g' | grep -v "//" | grep . | awk '{printf "output \"%s\" {\n\tvalue = \"${module.vpc.%s}\"\n}\n", $1, $1}'