A YoloV3 server and client for RoboComp
Install Yolo (see https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/) in a folder outside RoboComp
Make sure you have a recent version of opencv and CUDA (10.2 works fine)
You need to make the following modifications in the code before compiling it:
Line23 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { namespace yolo { #endif
Line 808
} using namespace yolo;
batch=1 subdivisions=1 #batch=64 #subdivisions=16
Line 64: image make_image(int w, int h, int c);
#File: image_opencv.cpp Line 63: // IplImage ipl = m; // image im = ipl_to_image(&ipl); // rgbgr_image(im); return image();
#This is what I use, uncomment if you know your arch and want to specify ARCH= -gencode arch=compute_52,code=compute_52
VPATH=./src/:./examples SLIB=libdarknet.so ALIB=libdarknet.a EXEC=darknet OBJDIR=./obj/
CC=gcc CPP=g++ NVCC=nvcc AR=ar ARFLAGS=rcs OPTS=-O3 LDFLAGS= -lm -pthread COMMON= -Iinclude/ -Isrc/ CFLAGS=-Wall -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wfatal-errors -fPIC -mavx2
Set the name of your installation path in CMakeListsSpecific.txt for the library libyolo.so and the include directory.
Create a folder in YOLO folder named "yolodata" and copy there your selection of wights and names. The names are defined in the component. For example: cfg coco.data coco.names yolov2.weights yolov3-tiny.weights yolov3.weights
cfg is a folder with the configuration file you want to use. The component expects: yolov3.cfg
Dowload weights with: wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
Compile to obtain the dynamic library libyolo.so.