I firstly checked Greg Young's event store, but it only provide atom REST interface for node.js, which need too many round trips (each event for each round trip) to get events from a given aggregate.
Later I tried to find node.js event store implementations, however, many are using NOSQL databases which I don't think it will support transaction very well.
Finally, I decide write a simple one using rational database.
Inspired by Greg Young's cqrs document.
npm install node-eventstore-postgre
I am using coffeescript to the usages. before everything, do this
EventStore = require 'node-eventstore-postgre'
eventStore = new EventStore 'postgres://ronliu:123456@localhost/test', publish #Pass in postgre connection string and publish method
eventStore.init() #Initialise necessary tables and functions using create if not exists style
It will take 2 arguments:
- aggregateId
- startOverVersion, like given 3, it should return events from version 4
events = eventStore.readEvents aggregateId, statOverVersion
It will take 2 arguments:
- aggregateId
snapshot = eventStore.readSnapshot aggregateId # {data: aggregate, version: version} or undefined
It will take 4 arguments:
- aggregateId
- aggregate type
- originating version: the version when we read used to check optimistic concurrency conflicts
- events array
- snapshot
eventStore.writeEvents aggregateId, 'customer', 2, [
{eventName: 'customerAdded', data: name: 'ron', createdOn: new Date()},
{eventName: 'customerActivated', data: comment: 'good customer'},
], name: 'john', isActive: true
- From 0.2, it support snapshot