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ROS 2 Migration: Performance metrics

Alejandro Hernández Cordero edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Gazebo 9 and Gazebo 11 publish a message called /gazebo/performance_metrics that allows to check the performance of each sensor in the world.

While on ROS 1 all time functionality was provided by a system plugin called gazebo_ros_api_plugin, on ROS 2, it's been moved to a plugin called gazebo_ros_init.

Name Message / Service Definition Description
/performance_metrics Message gazebo_msgs::msg::PerformanceMetrics RTF and sensors' performance metrics.

SDF parameters

This packages does not contain SDF parameters


Launch a world with some sensors:

ros2 launch gazebo_ros world:=worlds/

Visualize the data:

ros2 topic echo /performance_metrics

    sec: 20
    nanosec: 399000000
  frame_id: ''
real_time_factor: 0.9958766720000001
- name: default::camera 2::link::camera
  sim_update_rate: 29.41176470588235
  real_update_rate: 29.96017603520872
  fps: 29.724136352539062
- name: default::camera::link::camera
  sim_update_rate: 29.41176470588235
  real_update_rate: 29.962535145679194
  fps: 29.734268188476562