- 👋 Hi, I’m @rsLg455 - this is my code name in the virtual world!
- 👀 I'm passionate about programming and everything IT-related. My journey began in 1984 when I started coding in Basic on a Commodore 64 and explored the CP/M operating system. I’ve worked on PCs since the Intel 286 processor era, programming in assembly language, Pascal, and gaining my first database experience with dBase III.
Over the years, I’ve expanded my skill set, working with various programming languages and databases including dBase IV, FoxPro, C, C++, Pro*C, Oracle, SQLBase (Gupta Technologies), Visual Basic, VB.NET, Microsoft SQL, ASP, JavaScript, ASP.Net, Java, C#, Sybase, PostgreSQL.
In addition to programming, I have several years of experience in hardware and have worked as a system administrator/software developer/Project Leader for one of the largest organizations in Mauritius.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Go, Python, Rust and MongoDB! Both on a professional level and also on personal level! And also want improve my front-end development skill!
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on C#, Python and data engineering/analysis!
- 📫 rslg455@gmail.com