This project implements a TCP relay server. This server listens to connections and creates a new room. If a connection provides room info of a room that already exists, the two connections are piped and messages are relayed to and fro.
To start a TCP relay server, run
go run relay/relay.go
To start the client connections, run the following command in two terminals
go run client/client.go
Enter the room code. This room code is shared between two users who want to exchange messages.
To close a chat session, type exit as message. This closes the current client connection.
To build the docker file, run the following command
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t tcp-relay-server .
To run the docker image, run the following command
docker run -d -p 9009-9013:9009-9013 tcp-relay-server
To stop docker container, run the following command
docker stop <container id>