testImplementation 'ru.objectsfill:objects-fill-processor:x.x.x'
testAnnotationProcessor 'ru.objectsfill:objects-fill-processor:x.x.x'
This project can help with generation some random information to object.
Annotation processor for own types
- Create POJO or Entity file that need to fill with random data.
public void Test() {
Test test = new Test();
- Create deep recursion object that need to fill with random data.
public void Test() {
Test test = new Test();
SubTest subTest = new SubTest();
- Create some collections that you need to fill.
public void Test() {
SubTest subTest = new SubTest();
List<SubSubTest> lst = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0;i < someSize; i++) {
SubSubTest subsubTest = new SubSubTest();
- Create some different own types or collections that you need to fill.
public void Test() {
SubTest subTest = new SubTest();
subTest.setSomeMongoIdGeneratid(new Mongo().generateId);
public void TestNext() {
SubTest subTest = new SubTest();
//Generate again this field type
subTest.setSomeMongoIdGeneratid(new Mongo().generateId);
- All parameters of Fill class end Extend parameters class
.object(String.class) //class or object for fill
.fieldParams( //parameters for some field or for all field in object
Extend.field("stringList") // change behavior of the field
// .wrapByFunction() change behavior for all
.addMutationFunction(t -> "You Can do this") // you can add some new behavior without creating global annotation processor
.collectionSize(10) // change size for collections, stream, arrays
.valueLength(10)// change size of field
.gen(),// construct object
.wrapByFunction(t -> "You Can do this")
.gen()) // construct object
.withGeneric("T", String.class) // if object with generic
.collectionSize(10)// change global size for collections, stream, arrays
.valueLength(10)change global size of field
.setDeep(5) // set deep for recursion fill tree
.excludeField("aBoolean", "aLong", "uuid") // don't fill specified filds
.gen();// construct object
- For filling some object or class you can use Fill builder
//For class
TestBoxClass testBoxClass = RandomValue.fill(TestBoxClass.class);
//For object
TestBoxClass testBoxClass = RandomValue.fill(new TestBoxClass());
- Set deep for filling object. Default value equals three.
First first = RandomValue.fill(Fill.object(First.class).setDeep(2).gen());
- Or set size of value, array or collection size. Default value equals five.
CollectionTypeTest collectionType =
assert collectionType.collectionTypes.getStringList().size() == 6;
assert collectionType.collectionTypes.getStringList().get(0).length() == 7;
- If you need to exclude some fields from generator you just need to set list of excluded fields.
SimpleBoxTypeTestObj simpleBoxTypeTestObj = RandomValue
.excludeField(List.of("aBoolean", "aLong", "uuid"))
assert simpleBoxTypeTestObj.getaBoolean() == null;
assert simpleBoxTypeTestObj.getaDouble() != null;
assert simpleBoxTypeTestObj.getaLong() == null;
- Fill class or object with generic class
GenericType<String, Integer> collectionType = new GenericType<>();
collectionType = RandomValue.fill(Fill.object(collectionType)
.withGeneric("T", String.class)
.withGeneric("K", Integer.class).gen());
assert collectionType.getGenericList() != null;
assert collectionType.getGeneric() != null;
- Create collections like List, Set and some reference type arrays. For filling you need add to Fill object type of generating object.
Set<SimpleCollection> simpleCollection = new HashSet<>();
RandomValue.fillCollection(simpleCollection, Fill.object(SimpleCollection.class).gen());
List<SimpleCollection> simpleCollection = new ArrayList<>();
RandomValue.fillCollection(simpleCollection, Fill.object(SimpleCollection.class).gen());
SimpleArray[] simpleArray = RandomValue.fillArray(Fill.object(SimpleArray.class).gen());
//Or with generic class
GenericType<String> collectionType = new GenericType<>();
Set<GenericType<String>> genericTypeHashSet = new HashSet<>();
RandomValue.fillCollection(genericTypeHashSet, Fill.object(GenericType.class)
.withGeneric("T", String.class).gen());
- Can create primitive array. For filling you need add to Fill object type of generating object.
Object[] fillInt = RandomValue.fillArray(Fill.object(int[].class).gen());
- You can create not closed stream with filled objects. For filling you need add to Fill object type of generating object.
Stream<String> streamString = RandomValue.fillStream(Fill.object(String.class)
List<String> list = collectionType.toList();
- You can add some UnaryFunction with wildcard that can include some actions to field. Mutation function can be added to all methods with fill object.
CollectionType collectionType = RandomValue.fill(Fill.object(CollectionType.class).collectionSize(6).valueLength(7)
.addMutationFunction(t -> "You Can do this")
.addMutationFunction(t -> 2)
- If you don't set field, than mutation function will be used for all objects in tree.
Stream<String> collectionType = RandomValue.fillStream(Fill.object(String.class)
Extend.wrapByFunction(t -> "You Can do this")
- You can add few of parameters with delimeter. Extend class have next field
.object(String.class) //class or object for fill
.fieldParams( //parameters for some field or for all field in object
.field("stringList") // change behavior of the field
.addMutationFunction(t -> "You Can do this") // you can add some new behavior without creating global annotation processor
.collectionSize(10) // change size for collections, stream, arrays
.valueLength(10)// change size of field
.gen(),// construct object
.wrapByFunction(t -> "You Can do this") //change behavior for all
- Create and register own type generator
@BoxType(clazz = Parent.class)
public class ParentProcessorCreateRandom implements BoxTypeFill {
public Object generate(Fill fillObjectParams) {
Parent parent = new Parent();
return parent;
public Stream<Object> fillStream(Fill fill) {
return IntStream
.range(0, fill.getCollectionSize())
.mapToObj(i -> generate(fill));
return createStreamWithVal.apply(fill).apply(generate(fill));
- Create and register own type collection
@CollectionType(clazz = Set.class)
public class FillSetCollection implements CollectionTypeFill {
public Object generate(Field field, Fill fill) {
return fillCollectionStream(field, fill)
.filter(ss -> ss instanceof String)
.map(dd -> ((String) dd).toUpperCase())
- I think about split map and simple collections.
- Your issues.
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The project is open-source; non-commercial; the license is Apache v2.0. A single person actively develops it at the moment. If you see that the latest release or commit was not many years ago, then it is worth a try to ask, open a ticket. I will react and help you as much as I can afford.
You are welcome to open tickets in GitHub if you have any question, but also for suggestions and only if you like the tool. Usually I struggle with lacking the information about how many are using my tools. Do not leave me in the dark.