The PoC how to defend against tampering of encrypted data at persistence layer
An encryption is used to prevent information disclosure at DB layer, but it is not prevents sensitive data tampering. Lets imagine the following table structure:
ID | First Name | Last Name | Email | Position | Salary (Encrypted)
1, 'John', 'Smith', '', 'CEO', 'ZHNmNDNnYWRmZzQ1MjR2NDJmMjRm'
999, 'Joe', 'Doe', '', 'Software Engineer', 'HNdrmQ2NMjRDNZqQ1RD8eRtCerWm'
Suppose, the encrypted employee salary field value were tampered with another employee salary (for example, with CEO salary encrypted value) stored in the same table.
ID | First Name | Last Name | Email | Position | Salary (Encrypted)
1, 'John', 'Smith', '', 'CEO', 'ZHNmNDNnYWRmZzQ1MjR2NDJmMjRm'
999, 'Joe', 'Doe', '', 'Software Engineer', 'ZHNmNDNnYWRmZzQ1MjR2NDJmMjRm' <-- Tampered with CEO salary
Result: Now the employee has the salary as the CEO has.
The solution is to use authenticated encryption. Demonstration and PoC of the solution may be found here:
@Sql({"classpath:schema_h2_cleaning.sql", "classpath:schema_h2_salary_tampering.sql"})
public void testGetEmployee() {
Employee ceoEmployee = restTemplate.getForObject(String.format("http://localhost:%d/employees/1", port), Employee.class);
assertEquals(99999, (int) ceoEmployee.getSalary());
ResponseEntity<Employee> devEmployee = restTemplate.getForEntity(String.format("http://localhost:%d/employees/999", port), Employee.class);
//Tampering detected -> INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
assertEquals(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value(), devEmployee.getStatusCodeValue());