Mustelo (en:weasel) is a tiny ASGI web framework with no hard external depenedencies. Inspired by
Only one optional dependency is "uvicorn", required to run server via
For running mustelo wit any other ASGI server, no other dependencies needed.
from mustelo import Mustelo
app = Mustelo()
async def index():
return "Hello"
if __name__ == "__main__":
To run applicaiton with
need to have installed "uvicorn".
Path variables defined by "{variable_name:variable_type}".
"variable_type" is optional, default is "str"
Supported types:
- str - string of any characters except "/"
- int - integer number
- path - anything including "/" character
Variable must be defined in route function.
async def static(filename):
return open("static_files/%s" % filename, "r").read()
async def method(object, id):
return dict(method="get", object=object, id=id)
By default response type is deteceted from function return value. Supported types:
- Response object - created by
app.response(data="something", status=200, headers={})
- bytes - binary data
- dict - transformed into json response (with tailing "\n" useful for streaming json data)
- any other types - converted to string
Streaming implemented by generators
async def gen_hadler(request):
def gen_response():
for x in range(100):
yield dict(obj="gen", value=x)
return app.response(data=gen_response())
To interrupt process and return an error, call abort
async def static(name):
if name != "Loki":
return 'ok'