GoPlug is a pure Go Plugin library project that provides flexibility, loose Coupling and moduler approach of Building Software in/around Go. The goal of the project is to provide a simple, fast and a reliable plugin architecture that is independent of the platform.
To get the GoPlug install Go and execute the below command
go get
GoPlug plugin life-cycle is quite simple as it consist only three state.
- Stopped : Plugin is not yet started or stopped
- Discovered/Installed : Plugin is discover and ready to be started
- Started/Loaded : Plugin is started or Loaded for serving request
Each of the application creates a Plugin Registry to manage Plugins. Plugin Registry is based on plugin discovery service that provide api to search, load and unload plugin to/from registry.
Auto discovery service at plugin registry could be disabled resulting plugin to be discovered at loading time.
Each plugin makes itself available for the discovery service, and while discovered it is loaded by the application. On a successful loading start() is called and on a successful uploading stop() is called
Lazy start could be enabled to make plugin loaded by explicit call to Plugin Registry rather than at discovery.
Plugin conf (.pconf) defines the plugin properties. It is created by the Plugins at Plugin startup and loaded by the Application.
"Name" : "NameOfPlugin",
"NameSpace" : "NamespaceOfPlugin",
"Url" : "unix://PluginUrl",
"sock" : "unixSockLocation.sock",
"LazyLoad" : false,
Plugin registry is initialized with the plugin location where it will search for plugin conf (.pconf), along with the Auto Discover setting. If auto discovery is enabled the discover service starts and search for new plugin, while in other case of discovery service not running, plugin gets discovered while loading (via Explicit call to LoadPlugin) if available.
plugRegConf := GoPlug.PluginRegConf{PluginLocation: "./PluginLoc", AutoDiscover: true}
/* Initialize a Plugin Registry that will search location "./PluginLoc" for '.pconf' file */
pluginReg, err := GoPlug.PluginRegInit(plugRegConf)
Lazyload is a feature that prevents auto loading of a plugin when it is discovered. If Plugin is Configured for lazy load plugin should be loaded explicitly when needed by the user.
plugin, err := pluginReg.LoadPlugin("name", "namespace")
Each plugin is identified by the plugin name and namespace
plugin := pluginReg.GetPlugin("name", "namespace")
Plugin can be searched for available methods (registered methods by Plugin implementation)
methodList := plugin.GetMethods()
Method could be executed by method name
returnBytes, err := plugin.Execute(methodName, inputBytes)
Callback could be registered in Apllication to receive notification from plugin
func Foo(data []byte) {
// Callback body called on notification from pugin
Plugin could be forced to unload or stopped
err := pluginReg.UnloadPlugin(plugin)
Plugin is initialized with the Location, Name, Namespace (optional), Url (optional), LazyStart conf, Activator and Stopper. The Plugin location should be same on which Plugin Registry is configured
config := GoPlug.PluginImplConf{"PluginLoc", "Name", "Namespace", "unix://URL", false, activate, stop}
plugin, err := GoPlug.PluginInit(config)
func activate(input []byte) []byte {
// Called on Activation of the Plugin
func stop(input []byte) []byte {
// Called on Deactivation of the Plugin
Method should be registered before starting the plugin
func Do(input []byte) []byte {
// Call on execution of "Do" from application
Plugin start makes the plugin available for the discovery service and to be loaded
Plugin could notify application using callback. A list of registered callbacks are available at plugins
//get available callback list
callbackList := plugin.GetCallbacks()
err := plugin.Notify(callbackName, inputBytes)
Plugin stop makes the plugin to be stopped and unavailable from the Plugin Reg service. It should be done after plugin is unloaded from the Plugin registry.
Plugins runs as a different process that is started by the plugin registry. For IPC in Linux Unix domain socket is used, where in Windows com is used. The communication is based on HTTP request response model.
GoPlug is unstable and in active development and testing
As GoPlug Plugin are independent process and the communication is based on Unix socket and HTTP. Plugin could be developed using any programming language. In future GoPlug Plugin Implementation library should be implemented in different languages. Which will allow plugins to be written in different languages.
This is an early release. I’ve been using it for a while and this is working fine. I like this one pretty well, but no guarantees that it won’t change a bit.