scripts for my 64x64 led matrix being ran by a pi zero requires rgbmatrix, pygame
a test of a clone of the nokia snake game written in pygame. used a ps3 controller connected via bluetooth / usb to the pi
run: python3 requires rgbmatrix
originally started as a script that would display a 64x64 image onto the matrix, but became more when I split animated images up into their individual frames and displayed them in a loop.
run: python3 imagefile brightness% note: anything over 50% brightness is very bright, will increase power usage as well as give out more heat on the led's. requires rgbmatrix
takes the system time and displays it on an analog clock (completely drawn with the PIL module)
run: python3 requires rgbmatrix, streamlink
takes a twitch stream, pulls the 160p stream from it and attempts to display it on the matrix
run: python3 note: the streamurl needs to be changed in the script to the one of your choosing the stream in 160p is still too large for the matrix sometimes the stream doesn't load and you will get a purple screen... because twitch the pi zero isn't powerful enough to do this in realtime. There will be a delay and noticable frame speed differences.