GEE Asset Manager with Addons
Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons is an extension of the one developed by Lukasz here and additional tools were added to include functionality for moving assets, conversion of objects to fusion table, cleaning folders, querying tasks. The ambition is apart from helping the user with batch actions on assets along with interacting and extending capabilities of existing GEE CLI. It is developed case by case basis to include more features in the future as it becomes available or as the need arises.
- Updated to use API v1 with some updates to avoid breaking changes
- Updated some core tools like size update and quota updation
- The geeadd access tool is now user type agnostic and you can simply pass if the user is service account, group or email
- Better handling of acl delete function
- Added some function descriptions & general improvements
- Reduced client initialization steps
- fixed ee_report tool to allow for report exports for all EE asset types
- updated task search and task by state search
- general cleanup and improvements
- added folder migration tools
- improved recursive folder search & copy, move and permissions tools
- major improvements to copy and move tools for better migration of nested Folders
- Minor improvements and cleanup
- Better version check tool implementation
- Updated search tool to use updated endpoint
- Search tool no longer downloads zip or parses CSV
- Minor improvements
- Updated app2script tool to handle change in element
- Updated copy tool to allow for non mirrored copy
- Updated task and task cancel tools to account for states Pending and Cancelling