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Memoic 🧠⚡

"Fetching for users, written for devs"

What is it about? 🤔

For the longest time ever fetching has been a headache and it felt like a compromise between

  • having super complex fetching setup, that is awesome for users, but makes your new dev hires quit their job after 2 months
  • a barebones fetching logic that is easy to work with, but loading screens are inseparable part of your application

This is where Memoic comes in! A package, that delivers both an awesome UX with pre-fetching, fetching and caching, ready with integrations for major framework/DB setups like Firebase, Supabase, MongoDB, etc.

Features 💎


Tired of inconsistent useEffect behavior, asynchronous wrappers, pessimistic loading states? Memoic comes with simple one-liner that handles everything for you.

Not to mention, it provides caching for your next hits straight out of the box!

function YourComponent() {
  const { data, isLoading, error } = get('preferences') // ✅ always ready and deterministic


The get method with automatically handle the component life cycle and prop / state changes for you.

function UserCart({ id }: { id: string }) {
  const { data } = get('user', [id]) // 🧠 Refetches and revalidates on id change 


Memoic ensures, that you always query for correct data with correct parameters

function Usercart() {
  const { data } = get('user', [42]) // ⛔️ Throws error, expects type string


Comes pre-packaged with optional extensions. They do not muddy the internal core itself, but are extensible part of memoic that you can opt into. Memoic so far supports the following plugins/extensions

And much more

This is only tip of the iceberg and we can include only so much into a single git page. But there is a lot more cool stuff you can do, like pre-fetching on trigger, infinite queries, type inferrence from getters and much more!

Installation 🧱

Follow the instructions depending on your use-case.

Credits ❤️

This package would not be possible without the awesome work of @tanstack/query. As a matter of fact, if you are already using @tanstack/react-query, you can directly use the exported functions and they will work in unison with memoic! 😉