Tomás Günther (tpgunther@uc.cl)
Fernando Martínez (femartinez@uc.cl)
Sebastián Salata (sasalata@uc.cl)
Proyecto del Centro de Alumnos de Ingeniería UC 2014.
Espacio de encuentro para que los nuevos alumnos de ingeniería encuentren sus motivaciones e información acerca de la malla a seguir.
Environment Variables:
- SECRET_KEY_BASE: used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies
- HOST: the app host (localhost is assumed if not set)
- MAILGUN_API_KEY: your Mailgun API key
- MAILGUN_DOMAIN: your Mailgun domain
- CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME: your Cloudinary cloud name
- CLOUDINARY_API_KEY: your Cloudinary API key
- CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET: your Cloudinary API secret
- Clone and cd into this repository
- Run
bundle install
- Set each of the Environment Variables by doing either of the following:
- Run
export VARIABLE_NAME=value
in the shell for a temporary setup. - Write
export VARIABLE_NAME=value
in the shell's configuration file for its persistance (remember to reload the shell after doing so).
- Setup the database:
- Run
bundle exec rake db:reset
for a minimum setup. - Run
bundle exec rake db:reset FAKE_DATA=true
for a setup with additional users, comments, reviews, etc.
- Run
rails s
First, make sure to have a file called .env.list
with the environment variables in the form of KEY=VALUE. Then, proceed with the following commands:
# Run the database
$ docker run -d --name=postgres_db postgres:9.6.1
# Run the application
$ docker run -d --name=acercaringenieria -p 80:3000 --env-file ./.env.list \
--link=postgres_db:postgres_db sasalatart/acercar-ingenieria
# Setup the database
$ docker exec acercaringenieria bundle exec rake db:reset
The server's machine should now be redirecting its port 80 to the container's port 3000.