This repo is a collection of all my dotfiles for neovim, tmux and zsh. This repo contains my .vimrc
, .tmux.conf
and my .zshrc
. I also use oh-my-zsh
Vim related settings are configured to use neovim to leverage the built in LSP functionality. The .vimrc is not compaitible with vim or neovim <= 0.4.x.
To install simply run:
curl | bash
Be sure to also install the font in the fonts/
folder and use this font as the default for your terminal. Do not use a separate font for non-ascii characters.
- brew
- git
- neovim
- tmux
- zsh
- fzf
- bat
- icdiff
- shpotify
- ripgrep
- delta
- colorls
- n (faster nvm alternative)
- node
- oh-my-zsh
- tldr
- vtop
- powerlevel10k
- Plus configs for neovim, tmux, and zsh
zsh will be set to be the default shell. Symlinks will be set up for all config files (probably)
Be sure to install the font in fonts/
and set this to be the default font for your terminal.
Your computer password is needed to change shells which is a sudo operation