Python program for Raspberry Pi to take pictures, images and stream to hdmi output by using GPIO pins and Raspberry Pi camera module.
● Take picture by just pressing on the picture/video button.
● Record video by holding the picture/video button.
● Stream camera preview to hdmi output by pressing hdmi button.
● Automatically converts recorded videos from .h264 to .mp4.
● Creates thumbnail pictures of the recorded media (video & picture).
● Pictures, videos and thumbnails are recorded into the following directory "./Raspberry-Pi-Action-Camera/media/"
● Pictures and videos are recorded with a name based on the date format and amount of pictures/videos in target folder.
● LED's are used to indicate the current process of the program, see below.;
○ Green Led (cont.) -> Program is ready to take commands.
○ Blue Led (cont.) -> HDMI mode is active, see hdmi output.
○ Red Led (cont.) -> Taking picture.
○ Red Led (blink) -> Recording video.
● Enable camera support with the following commands:
○ sudo raspi-config
○ Select Option "5 Interfacing Options", then "P1 Camera", then Yes.
○ Exit and reboot your Pi.
● Update your RPi with the following commands:
○ sudo apt-get update
○ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
○ sudo apt-get install git
● Clone the code from github with the following commands:
○ git clone
○ cd Raspberry-Pi-Action-Camera
● Connect buttons and leds onto GPIO pins on the RPi based on the following pins ( see below for connection scheme);
○ Green Led -> GPIO 13
○ Blue Led -> GPIO 19
○ Red Led -> GPIO 26
○ Picture/Video Button -> GPIO 5
○ Hdmi Button -> GPIO 6
● Run python program with the following command;
○ sudo python3