To provide a simple api / http microservice that supports a few common postgres data handling functions. This api is written in GO for its simplicity and speed of use. It leverages a single database handler to support reciever functions.
- -- http api framework for GO
- -- postgres library written in GO
- services folder contains receiver and utility functions to support endpoint functions
- structs contains structs for the widget model
- images supports this README
- .env - local environment file for testing
- compose.yml - a simple docker-compose file to spin up postgres database container and creates the widgetDB and table
- init.sql - file that creates the widgetdb/widget table structure used by compose
- Dockerfile - docker file for building the pg-api container
- key.txt - key file created on every start up. this file is stored in the container should be used if you want to secure an endpoint accessabilty
- - a set of curl statements to load up some sample data
(old docker-compsoe v1)
docker-compose up -d
(new docker compose v2)
curl --location 'localhost:4000/api/v1/addNew' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "wid005",
"category": "square",
"color" : "purple"
curl --location 'localhost:4000/api/v1/getAll'