in this repo you can find scripts/tools to set up a complete demo environment including backend storage
The easiest options are either kubernetes or docker-compose.
You can find a lot of details about the concepts, as well as about the implementation, in my Dissertation:
I recommend you install docker and docker-compose manually from the website. You can use the docker version that comes with your linux distro but it might be outdated and not work.
This part is optional; skip if you just want to try it
This deployment includes a container for the Swift object store. This container needs an external volume for swift, by default this is
mapped to /tmp/mcm_swift
. For production/benchmark you should use a dedicated xfs partition:
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/X
sudo mount /dev/X /mnt -o noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8
then in docker-compose.yaml, swift section replace - /tmp/mcm_swift:/srv
with -v /mnt:/srv
these 3 commands are all you actually need!
git clone
cd deploy-sdos
docker-compose up
once finished, visit
tenant: mcmdemo
user: user
pass: passw0rd
if docker can't access the internet, often the issue is that the local network only allows its own DNS servers. Check what hosts your local DNS uses and enter them:
"dns": ["", "", ""]
tested with Kubernetes 1.5 on IBM Bluemix.
the two files kube-deployment-sdos.yaml
and kube-deployment-mcm.yaml
contain the container deploy and service templates for the whole system.
kubectl apply -f kube-deployment-sdos.yaml
kubectl apply -f kube-deployment-mcm.yaml <optional>
The first command will deploy pods for the Swift object store, the SDOS core component, and the Bluebox demo UI.
In kube-deployment-mcm
, the additional components for metadata management are installed. They are: task runner (extractor), apache kafka, kafka-websocket, node red, postgresql.
once finished, visit
http://<worker-node public IP>:31888
tenant: mcmdemo
user: user
pass: passw0rd
- install an ubuntu VM; 14.04, 16.04, and 16.10 were tested
- clone this repo:
git clone
- run the script:
bash mcm-deployEnvironment/
- if you run all MCM services on localhost, you just need to:
- set swift endpoint in SDOS config
- set tenant-id in metadata extractor config
- create initial warehouse db with tenant-id
- start a screen session
and start the services (details below in the "manual" section)
We use GNU-screen for running the different services on a dev-VM. You can run them any other way you like as well. Some info on how screen is used here:
screen is a window-manager for the shell; it manages multiple shell-windows and keeps running after you disconnect from ssh/tty.
- we provide a screenrc config file; it shows a window-list with some predefined names. These shells are the same; they just have labels.
- on the first start, run
to start a session; all predefined windows will open. - leave screen via
Ctrl + a, d
(press Ctrl & a at the same time, then press d). Now you can disconnect ssh - re-enter your session later via
screen -r
. Make sure you only have one session running; otherwise you might have multiple instances of services running without knowing. - switch between the windows in screen via
Ctrl + a, <space>
go to a specific windows (e.g. 0) viaCtrl + a, 0
- create a new window:
Ctrl + a, c
- close a window: just
the shell in that window
start a screen instance, the windows for services will open
modify the config file; set the swift auth/storage URL to the address of your swift endpoint
cd mcm-sdos/
vim mcm/sdos/
start the SDOS service
set tenant-id in metadata extractor config
start the service
we use the daemontools "supervise" command to run node-red. Node-red seems very unstable so supervise will keep it running.
cd mcm-deployEnvironment/nodered-runner
supervise .
we have an example flows file; to use it, copy it over your local file after first run:
cp /home/ubuntu/mcm-deployEnvironment/nodered-examples/flows_mcm-bluebox.json /home/ubuntu/.node-red/flows_<HOSTNAME>.json
docker containers for kafka and postgres were already started. re-start them later with:
docker start mcm_warehouse
docker start mcm_kafka
get an interactive postgres shell. Use this to create the initial database for your tenant-id
docker run -it --rm --link mcm_warehouse:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres
create database mcm-metadata_<TENANTID>;
MCM is based around the Swift object store; or ar least Swift's REST-API. You may use any storage backend that uses the Swift-API like a Swift-Service or Ceph. For the dev-environment we use a local single-node Swift setup:
cd $HOME/python-swiftclient
git pull
sudo python develop
cd $HOME/swift
git pull
sudo python develop