An ML Github bot to automate labelling of issues❤️
Maintaining proper labelled issues is difficult for large open source projects like Kubernetes, Docker, etc. This bot identifies the context of issue from its title and body and labels the issue accordingly. This ML bot uses Text-Multi-Classification-Algorithms to assign mutiple labels to a single issue. This bot responds to GitHub webhook events. When an issue is opened, ML bot predicts the appropriate labels and adds those labels to the issues.
- Google Bert Model (BERT-Base, UnCased ( 12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads , 110M parameters))
- GitHub API v3
- Python 3.6.9
- Tenserflow 1.15.2
- Using GitHub API, we fetched issues of various repos along with the labels assigend to them by the maintainers and around 10,000 entries in a file.
, bug
, feature
, good first issue
, question/discussion
, design
, help wanted
, high priority
and documentation
- Use Large Model of BERT.
- Training with larger and consistent dataset with cleaned up issue description.
- Add support to custom labels.
Licensed under the MIT License.
Made with ❤️ by SDSLabs.