Is rather naive implementation of lock-free reference counting pointers forward iterable container. Pointer placed in the concurent::Heap stays there until it referenced by returned unique_ptr and any additional shared_ptr(s) obtained by dereferencing concurent::Heap iterators.
One of the common approaches when using Boost.Asio or Networking TS N4656 is to create connection/session object in accept handler and pass it wrapped in std::shared_ptr to subsequent handlers. This approach allows to keep connection/session object alive until it used by any ongoing operation handler. See Boost.Asio examples: Chat, Echo or HTTP Server as example of such approach.
But sometimes it desirable to perform some additional operation on opened connection. concurent::Heap simplifies such tasks by allowing iterate its elements thread safe manner.
here is slightly modified Echo example.
#include "concurent/heap.hpp"
class server
server(boost::asio::io_context& io_context, short port)
: acceptor_(io_context, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port))
void drop_connections()
for(auto& session : sessions_) // iterating concurent::Heap is thread safe
sesion->close(); // make sure this operation is thread safe
void do_accept()
[this](boost::system::error_code ec, tcp::socket socket)
if (!ec)
// session will be automaticaly removed from heap when all refferences to it are gone
auto session = std::shared_ptr{sessions_.emplace(std::move(socket))};
tcp::acceptor acceptor_;
concurent::Heap<session> sessions_;
- c++11 suported compiler (clang 3.6+, gcc 4.8.5+, msvc-14+ )
- boost (MPL, Fusion, Compressed_Pair)